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Exact Filament Included with the Mk3  

New Member
Exact Filament Included with the Mk3

It's been a year since we ordered our last Prusa Mk3, we have used up the included filament and tossed the spool.  We needed some parts in silver/grey and our engineers wanted to use the same exact silver/grey.  Does anyone know where I can find that exact filament?  I have been looking in the Prusa store and am not 100% sure which spool to get.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Napsal : 13/06/2019 6:51 pm
Noble Member
RE: Exact Filament Included with the Mk3

Its'nt Prusament, you can found this one here :


This post was modified před 5 years by Frame

Prusa MK4S -2x Prusa Mini+ - Bambulab X1 Carbon/P1P- Silhouette Cameo 4-Laser Xtool S1 40w- Imprimante Canon Sublimation...

Napsal : 13/06/2019 9:53 pm
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