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Design question: Why is SD Memory Card upside down?  

Mark Gebert
Active Member
Design question: Why is SD Memory Card upside down?

I know this is because of the display board but didn't PRUSA design the board?  Was the upside down orientation of the reader deliberate? 

Posted : 19/03/2022 6:40 pm
Illustrious Member

There is no free space on the front of the board so the socket had to be mounted on the back ... therefore upside down.


Posted : 20/03/2022 1:42 am
Mark Gebert
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Design question: Why is SD Memory Card upside down?

If your designing the board you could have a new socket made that is flipped around so the SD Card is right side up. Sounds like the board design may not be Prusa's.

Posted : 05/04/2022 7:14 am
Illustrious Member

I just made a cursory serch for inverted card sockets and for panel mounted sockets.  They don't appear on any of the usual component stockists lists.  Conventional sockets are cheap, the stronger ones intended for repeated reinsertion are still under a euro/dollar each ...

To justify a new design you would need to order many millions to get the price within an order of magnitude and Prusa only buy in the hundreds of thousands.

The cheapest alternative would be a printed-in holder for a small sub-pcb on a flying lead, it would not only cost three or four times as much but it would add complexity in the build and add another possible point of failure.

All this so users could insert a memory card pretty side up?

For an engineer the pin side is the important side and the writing goes on the wasted space at the back.


Posted : 05/04/2022 11:28 am