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ABS destroyed my smooth double-sided PEI sheet  

New Member
ABS destroyed my smooth double-sided PEI sheet

I was printing flat ABS parts at 255°C/110°C nozzle and bed temp. Everything went well until I removed the print from the sheet. 
Parts of the coating stuck at my print. 

Why did that happened? Do you have any advice for printing with ABS?

Thanks for your help!

Publié : 15/11/2020 6:39 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: ABS destroyed my smooth double-sided PEI sheet
Posted by: @jgriwatz

I was printing flat ABS parts at 255°C/110°C nozzle and bed temp. Everything went well until I removed the print from the sheet. 
Parts of the coating stuck at my print. 

Why did that happened? Do you have any advice for printing with ABS?

Thanks for your help!

When printing ABS (depending on type and temperature), small bubbles may form on the printing plate, which usually disappear after cooling. If the ABS part is removed from the still warm plate, it is possible that the PEI coating is detached or even damaged.
As a rule - always wait until the printing plate has cooled down completely, only then remove the printing part carefully by bending the printing plate.
For strongly adhering filaments there are also release agents which are applied to the printing plate before printing. Some people use window cleaners.


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Publié : 15/11/2020 7:16 pm
Famed Member
RE: ABS destroyed my smooth double-sided PEI sheet

You REALLY need to use a release agent when printing ABS on the smooth sheet!

I found out the hard way, just like you did.  I was familiar with printing, but not with the prusa sheet, and one of my first ABS prints with a large footprint stuck too well.  I got impatient and used a kitchen implement and pulled off a few patches of the coating.  Had I simply waited for it to cool, it most likely would have come off without damaging the sheet.

I've done a lot of ABS prints and here are a few hints I will offer you.

1. Use a release agent.  Glue stick works.  Layerneer Bed Weld does too and gives you a thinner layer than you can get with the glue stick.

2. Let the printer warm up and stabilize at the operating temperatures before launching an ABS print.  Set it to preheat for ABS and then wait 10-15 minutes.

3. If you do not have an enclosure, use the 'draft shield' option, available in both PrusaSlicer and Cura.  This helps with temperature stability as the print rises vertically.

4. When the print finishes, let the sheet and print cool down to almost room temperature before removing.  With the release agent and a good cool-down the print should come off easily.

Publié : 15/11/2020 8:29 pm
karl-herbert a aimé
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