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3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+  

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Same Old Shane
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3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+



  • Power Panic improvements
  • MMU firmware improvements
  • Submitted by the Prusa community
  • User interface improvements
  • Other Improvements
  • Bug fixes

This is the stable release of firmware version 3.13.2, with a primary focus on Power Panic, Multi-material, and several other improvements. While most of the features and fixes mentioned below were already included in the 3.13.2-RC1 release, we recommend updating to this firmware version.

Power Panic improvements

The primary focus of this release is to improve the Power Panic behavior, especially after the introduction of the new MMU3 firmware and the error states reported on the LCD of the printer.

Multi-material prints tend to be very long, so any sort of power failure can put the quality of the print at stake.

Any function that needs user interaction will pause the printer and move the hotend away from the print itself. This action prevents the hotend from "scorching" the print and creating blobs. It also creates space to investigate the reported issue or perform the requested action. Previously, the positions were saved to RAM, but these were lost during a power failure or a reset of the printer. This means the printer would try to continue with the print, but at the wrong height and wrong position. This caused mid-air extrusions, the creation of blobs, and sometimes missing extrusions.

This issue has now been resolved. All values in RAM (volatile) are saved to EEPROM (permanent) during a power panic which ensures a better power panic recovery during the MMU prints.

Power Panic recovery was tested for:

  • Paused print ✔️
  • MMU Error codes ✔️
  • After a crash ✔️
  • Filament runout ✔️
  • Filament change ✔️

Note: Power panic works only with SD card prints!

MMU firmware improvements

Based on the feedback from the community, this release brings new features allowing you to adjust parameters like idler sensitivity or bowden length.


MMU2S users have reported that, despite careful hardware inspection, some units struggle to home the Idler reliably. Although MMU Firmware 3.0.0 has already offered an option to adjust the Idler's homing sensitivity by modifying the StallGuard threshold, some users have encountered difficulties changing this value.

Therefore, in case the MMU reports any of the “Idler and/or Selector cannot home” errors, there is a new option displayed on the screen called "Tune" which allows to set the threshold value in a user-friendly way. Please note that the allowed range of values has been limited to prevent users from accidentally setting extreme values.

Bowden length register added

With the MMU FW 3.0.1, it is possible to set a custom front PTFE tube length (default length: 360 mm). This has been implemented at the request of our community members who pointed out that there are various configurations for the filament setup and there's a need to set a longer PTFE tube length. We limited the length to 1000 mm since longer tubes might introduce additional issues - we strongly recommend keeping the tube shorter rather than at the maximum allowable length.

This new register can be used to tweak the fast loading and unloading distance in case of non-standard installations. The register is persistent in the MMU's EEPROM. Unlike the previous generation of FW 1.0.x, the register now reflects the actual real length of the tube, not including any additional distances to the pulley or drive gears.

Note: If you choose to increase the PTFE length for your custom setup, you must verify whether the unloaded filaments fit inside the provided buffer. If they do not, you will need to construct your own buffer with sufficient space.

MMU USB product string updated

In the new firmware version 3.0.0 or later, which now supports both MMU2S and MMU3, the USB product string has been updated to "Original Prusa MMU unit 🐑." This change does not impact any of the MMU's functions.

Submitted by the Prusa community

We have implemented several improvements submitted by the active users from the Prusa Community. Many thanks to everyone involved.

Enable/Disable FSensor using G-codes

This release brings support for enabling and disabling filament sensor (FSensor) using G-codes M405/M406 submitted by @Commod0re

Support for M118 G-code

The M118 G-code was submitted by @RoboMagus see here. The M118 G-code allows the sending of a message (Serial print) to hosts like OctoPrint and PrusaLink to trigger actions, etc. See the pull request for more information.

Improved G-code M914 & M915 control (stealth mode)

In addition to enabling M914 and 915 by default, these codes have been expanded to allow for more flexible control of the current printing mode via G-code (such as enabling crash detection selectively during portions of a print).

By default, changes issued are temporary (lost on printer reset), but by supplying the 'P' parameter, the change can be saved to EEPROM and made persistent. Alternatively, supplying the R parameter will revert any current temporary changes in favor of the saved value. Finally, the menu has been updated to provide visual feedback when a temporary override is in place via G-code

User interface improvements

Jump to 200°C/50°C in Temperature menu

This release brings a new behavior when users manually set the temperature in the LCD Menu -> Settings -> Temperature menu. Previously, both nozzle (hotend) and heatbed temperatures started at 0 °C, and users had to rotate the knob clockwise to increase the temperature incrementally by 1 °C until the target temperature was reached.

However, since most filaments require printing temperatures above 200/50 °C (nozzle/heatbed), we have made an adjustment. Now, starting at 0 °C, a single clockwise rotation will increase the nozzle temperature to 200°C instead of just 1 °C. The same change applies to setting the heatbed temperature (0 °C to 50 °C). This modification allows users to reach their target temperature more quickly.

Similar behavior is applied to the print fan; when turning the knob clockwise from 0, the speed is set to 127, which corresponds to 50% of the RPM range.

If you prefer to revert to the original behavior, simply rotate the knob counterclockwise first, and then you can use it in the same way as before.

Language Update information shown in the first row

A minor change was introduced to avoid overwriting the version number during a language update.

Other improvements

Simplified variant names

In the source code, we shortened the variant names to the minimum needed, as all Original Prusa MK2.5/S and MK3/S/+

  • use 1.75mm filament
  • use E3d v6 style hotends
  • All MK3/S/+ use the same controller board
  • Exceptions are
    • MK2.5/S may have a RAMbo10a or a RAMbo13a board which have different pinouts
    • 3rd party modification

Code optimization

We optimized the source code and freed up some space for future features.

Update development tools

The development/compiling tools cmake and have been updated.
More information about the build is now shown in the LCD Support menu:

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a false FINDA runout event at the start of an MMU print on MK3S printers #4332 (Kudos goes to @mmoraes80@sruggier and @Braddg for helping us narrow down the problem and verify the fix)
  • Fixed an issue with Preheat heating for longer than intended #4338 (Kudos to @linzwatt for reporting the issue and to @sarusani for fixing it)
  • Fixed an issue where some users could not run first layer calibration because the LCD was stuck rendering the same fullscreen message repeatedly (Kudos to @sarusani for helping us test and fix this)
  • Fixed an issue where a print could be started while the printer is still loading or unloading filament, triggering a firmware crash. #3564
  • Previously in FW 3.13.2-RC1 reported FAN check issue has been fixed.

When downloading, please pay attention to the files and make sure you download the correct version for your machine. 

Please report any bug here:

Download Link:

How to flash the firmware:

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Napsal : 27/10/2023 8:12 am
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+

Coming from 3.12, do you have to re-do the temp calibration?

Napsal : 30/10/2023 11:26 am
Reputable Member
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+

I just upgraded, and as REVO owner, I did not made any recalibration, and for now it works.

However on the second print I have done, I got a strange error message:
File incomplete. Continue anyway <Y/N>

Unfortunately, the file is complete (binary check with the one on the PC).  So then I choose to continue.

Is there anything the PrusaSlicer could have missing ?

It was generated by ; generated by PrusaSlicer 2.7.0-alpha1+win64 on 2023-11-02 at 17:29:56 UTC



Napsal : 02/11/2023 7:04 pm
Reputable Member Prusa-Translations
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+

@antimix The firmware checks if the gcode file on SD card contains/ends with "M84" if that has not been found it displays this message.
Double check that the Prusa Slicer -> Printer Settings -> Custom G-Code -> End G-code has "M84 ; disable motors" at the end.

Napsal : 06/11/2023 3:03 pm
Reputable Member
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+

Hi @3d-gussner,
it is strange but it has... 🙄 

this is the final part of the END-GCODE Printer settings in PrusaSlicer 2.7.0 Alpha1

; Unload filament
M702 C

G4 ; wait
M221 S100 ; reset flow
M900 K0 ; reset LA
{if print_settings_id=~/.*(DETAIL @MK3|QUALITY @MK3|SOLUBLE|@0.25 nozzle MK3).*/}M907 E538 ; reset extruder motor current{endif}
M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
M84 ; disable motors
; max_layer_z = [max_layer_z]

and it is also on the .gcode file:


; Unload filament
M702 C
G4 ; wait
M221 S100 ; reset flow
M900 K0 ; reset LA
M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
M84 ; disable motors
; max_layer_z = 1.2
M73 P100 R0
M73 Q100 S0
; filament used [mm] = 387.14, 162.45, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00


I will do further tests.

Napsal : 07/11/2023 9:10 pm
New Member
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+
  • Previously in FW 3.13.2-RC1 reported FAN check issue has been fixed.

Please report any bug here:

On mk3s after update, the wizard fails test on left fan.

Napsal : 13/11/2023 10:36 am
New Member
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+


Posted by: @welverin
  • Previously in FW 3.13.2-RC1 reported FAN check issue has been fixed.

Please report any bug here:

On mk3s after update, the wizard fails test on left fan.

Mine fails on the extruder Fan. No probs with older firmwares. All stock parts. The firmware sets an error, even after answering if the fan is spining with: yes.

Napsal : 18/11/2023 9:43 am
Reputable Member
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+

Please enable the possibility to send the MMU3 registry codes via GCODE.

Sending something like M708 A0x22 X360 is a real pain. It requires to connect a PC, install putty, send messy command in a  tempest of serial text events....

At least for the tube length it would be so easy to have the possibility to send via GCODE, or even set the length on the LCD  panel... 😍 

Napsal : 05/12/2023 11:47 am
New Member
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+

continuos thermal error and crash detection error after upgraded firmware and prusaslicer


back to 3.10 and problem solved

Napsal : 07/12/2023 11:36 am
Reputable Member
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+

Cross-post with another thread that isn't getting a response:

I'm having trouble finding MK3S firmware 3.13.2. It has been released since Oct 2023, but the Prusa Downloads page shows 3.13.1 as the latest release ( Sept 2023). I went to GitHub & found the source code for 3.13.2, but I can't seem to find the HEX file for doing the flash upgrade. (I don't know my way around GitHub very well).

So, question #1: why isn't 3.13.2 on the Prusa Downloads page?

Question #2: how do I get HEX files from GitHub?

Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Napsal : 28/02/2024 3:03 pm
Reputable Member Prusa-Translations
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+


Posted by: @burtronix

Cross-post with another thread that isn't getting a response:

I'm having trouble finding MK3S firmware 3.13.2. It has been released since Oct 2023, but the Prusa Downloads page shows 3.13.1 as the latest release ( Sept 2023). I went to GitHub & found the source code for 3.13.2, but I can't seem to find the HEX file for doing the flash upgrade. (I don't know my way around GitHub very well).

So, question #1: why isn't 3.13.2 on the Prusa Downloads page?

Question #2: how do I get HEX files from GitHub?


the github release explains why the firmware has been removed. We are working on FW 3.13.3 to fix the issue.

Attention: Following community feedback, we have identified potential issues during printing with this firmware release 3.13.2 (mostly layer shifts). As a precaution, we have removed the firmware files. A new firmware version, addressing this bug, is currently undergoing testing. If you experience print issues, please downgrade to the previous release 3.13.1.


Napsal : 28/02/2024 4:18 pm
burtronix se líbí
Reputable Member
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+

Thanks for the answer. I just need to be patient & continue to ignore the nagging reminder on the MK3S display that I should update the firmware.  😉 

Posted by: @3d-gussner



the github release explains why the firmware has been removed. We are working on FW 3.13.3 to fix the issue.

Attention: Following community feedback, we have identified potential issues during printing with this firmware release 3.13.2 (mostly layer shifts). As a precaution, we have removed the firmware files. A new firmware version, addressing this bug, is currently undergoing testing. If you experience print issues, please downgrade to the previous release 3.13.1.



Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Napsal : 28/02/2024 7:33 pm
Reputable Member Prusa-Translations
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+

You always can disable the warning in LCD Settings -> HW Setup -> Checks -> Firmware [ Warn | Strict | None ]  😉

Posted by: @burtronix

Thanks for the answer. I just need to be patient & continue to ignore the nagging reminder on the MK3S display that I should update the firmware.  😉 

Posted by: @3d-gussner



the github release explains why the firmware has been removed. We are working on FW 3.13.3 to fix the issue.

Attention: Following community feedback, we have identified potential issues during printing with this firmware release 3.13.2 (mostly layer shifts). As a precaution, we have removed the firmware files. A new firmware version, addressing this bug, is currently undergoing testing. If you experience print issues, please downgrade to the previous release 3.13.1.




Napsal : 29/02/2024 10:44 am
Reputable Member
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+
  • Yes, I know. Actually, I prefer to leave the warning in place. It will let me know when 3.13.3 is available.
Posted by: @3d-gussner

You always can disable the warning in LCD Settings -> HW Setup -> Checks -> Firmware [ Warn | Strict | None ]  😉

Posted by: @burtronix

Thanks for the answer. I just need to be patient & continue to ignore the nagging reminder on the MK3S display that I should update the firmware.  😉 



Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Napsal : 29/02/2024 12:33 pm
Eminent Member
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+

So do we have to revert the MMU firmware back to 3.0.0 (from 3.0.1) as well.  I am also looking to upgrade to Mk3.5 so would it also be a pre requisite to revert to 3.0.0 or update to the yet to be released Mk3 3.13.2/MMU 3.0.2 prior to any buddy board connection ??

Napsal : 01/03/2024 6:16 am
Reputable Member Prusa-Translations
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+


Posted by: @bazzalight

So do we have to revert the MMU firmware back to 3.0.0 (from 3.0.1) as well.

The printer and MMU firmwares need to match, so yes if you downgrade to 3.13.1 you also gonna need to downgrade the MMU to MMU3_3.0.0+814.

But it doesn't mean that you have to up-/downgrade every time as for example FW 3.13.0 and FW3.13.1 both work with MMU3_3.0.0+814.

 I am also looking to upgrade to Mk3.5 so would it also be a pre requisite to revert to 3.0.0 or update to the yet to be released Mk3 3.13.2/MMU 3.0.2 prior to any buddy board connection ??

MK3.5 needs MMU 3.0.2+878 see

Napsal : 01/03/2024 7:26 am
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+


Posted by: @3d-gussner

 The printer and MMU firmwares need to match, so yes if you downgrade to 3.13.1 you also gonna need to downgrade the MMU to MMU3_3.0.0+814.

I have been experiencing the sporadic layer shifts probably at about a rate of once per week of near-continuous MMU3 printing.  I can tell it is the FW 3.13.2 bug rather than filament blobs because after a few layers it does a layer shift back in the opposite direction to what it was supposed to be.  I've been doing print-in-place stuff, so the layer shifts are usually a real problem.


Other than the sporadic layer shifts, I've been happy with how everything has been working.  I have  the MMU3 installed on a MK3S+ with the Revo kit installed, so I installed the Revo version of 3.13.2.  I've been printing exclusively with PETG.  My concern about doing both the FW downgrades is that there might be a bunch of configuration settings that I have to redo.  Also, withe the current FW I have been pleased about the ability to recover from a failed filament change without losing the print.  Can anyone who has done the downgrade report how painful it was?

Napsal : 01/03/2024 4:24 pm
Active Member
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+

Is there any idea when there will be the next 3.13.2 release?

I assume the first layer calibration filment check hangup will be corrected also.

I would like to be able to get all my sheets set up.

Napsal : 03/03/2024 2:15 pm
Reputable Member


Posted by: @nicholeknc

Is there any idea when there will be the next 3.13.2 release?

I assume the first layer calibration filment check hangup will be corrected also.

I would like to be able to get all my sheets set up.

They're working on 3.13.3. You could check progress on GitHub.

Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Napsal : 03/03/2024 8:50 pm
Active Member
RE: 3.13.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+

Yes, I have been checking GitHub.

Funny thing is right after I posted this I discovered a way to trick the system into allowing me to get around the filment check. Itismore to the bug then yes or no answer.

When the filament sensor is o an its setting set to all yes, filment loaded. The filament check would spin up the extruder, hot or cold. I kept it turned off.

I heated up, unloaded the filament. Turn the sensor off then back on and set all its settings off. 

Next to he and selected the sheet I wanted to calibrate. Got told to load the filment and the screen went back. It took a couple of times but I got sent back to the main screen with the selected uncalibrated sheet still selected. I loaded the filament and was able to do a first layer calibration on the selected sheet. 

I repeated this process three times, three different uncalibrated sheet slots. So I know this is a work around for this bug. 

Napsal : 03/03/2024 11:35 pm
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