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3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!  

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Extra Fox
Reputable Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

Oh, you can definitely see it in the log. It's more the question of why is it sounding the alarm as well when previously it was an on-screen only message.


Posted : 09/03/2023 9:10 pm
Trusted Member

I updated a MK3S, 100% original, no octoprint or other stuff from 3.10 to this update and was shocked when this train horn alarm went on after upgrade.

It does not stop and beep extremely loud. Reset and ON/off did no change that.
Display stays empty only a tempereratur sign in the edge. No error message. It seems room picture is too cold?

But why this extremly loud does-not-stop train horn??? And an empty display? Had to downgrade, now runs perfect.
So, no updates for our MK3 printers in the future until this stupid crap is fixed.



Posted : 13/03/2023 12:35 am
John Doe
Active Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

1 week ago today was my first experience in 3d printing. I purchased an unassembled MK3S+ that was shipped with firmware version 3.11.0. The printer is entirely unmodified and exactly what came from prusa, and only using prusament filament.

I'd never printed anything, never worked with print files or gcode. Never been in any 3d print file market place. Nothing.

My first print was a 3d benchy, seen here -

My second print was the all-in-one stress test, seen here -

After my first and second prints, I could tell that the annoying "there's a new firmware version" message at the beginning of printing a new item was going to piss me off.

So I installed firmware version 3.12.2.

Our household, 2 kids and my wife, call this version the "Suicidal Firmware Version."

Almost every item I attempted to print with this firmware version would cause the printer to cause a collision and behave erratically. The extruder head would navigate to a far x or y axis, and then return to printing. And on 4 separate occasions, it would be mid print, and decide it wanted to nosedive the extruder right into the project.

My son and I stepped through the gcode and weren't able to find any of this behavior.

We thought maybe the SD card was bad, so we used different SD cards. Maybe the micro to SD adapter was bad, so we tried different adapters.

I was intensely frustrated.

I rolled back to 3.11.0, the printer is no longer suicidal, and it's been a workhorse ever since. Parts are now flying off, and it hasn't had a single issue.

I'm at the point that I'm extremely scared to upgrade to the new version, and had I had a business with dozens of these, a rolling upgrade would have prevented me from having this affect every printer, but this type of crap would have impacted the bottom line of my production.

Get this crap fixed ASAP.

Posted : 13/03/2023 10:55 pm
Brad Cooper
New Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

This is getting old, nothing was fixed. Running the E3D Revo and it still fails the PID tune.. Lets get this handled guys..

Posted : 17/03/2023 1:38 am
Reputable Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

It's not supposed to work with Revo yet; they told us that up front.  The fact that it appears to be cursed in general, even when flashed onto unmodified printers, is a much bigger issue.

Slightly unrelated, but not.  I got my Voron running yesterday.  I am starting to like Klipper.  Kind of thinking I will go that way with the Prusa when I am ready to update it.
Posted : 17/03/2023 6:42 am
Active Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

Was something modified regarding the filament sensor? it seems like it doesn't detect the end of the filament as the previous firmware, I am printing with filament from my pullstruder and it used to detect the end of the filament, now it continues to print untill the gears can't push on the filament anymore, and it's not a jammed nozzle problem, and this didn't happen before as it would stop itself, autoloading filament still works so it's not a faulty sensor

Posted : 24/03/2023 3:25 pm
New Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

I'm running a standard Mk3 built from a kit which has been faultless since build. Have just upgraded to this firmware after missing the last one, and hence all this thermal model stuff.

The thermal calibration passes OK, but during prints that have a lot of fast movements, such as large infill blocks on the 0.2mm speed setting, I get the thermal anomaly alarm, which can't be silenced, and beeps constantly. The prints turn out fine and I dont have any issues besides the alarm. I've tried the thermal model calibration with the head close to the bed and high up away from the bed, same result.

I dont have octoprint etc to monitor the temp, but ran Repetier just to see what my temps were doing in case there was a problem, screenshot below. The temperature appears nice and stable. I've checked the hot end thermistor and wiring but no issues found. I always just print from a local SD card.

I've disabled the thermal model for now, as the alarm can be heard over most of the house, and stops me being able to sit in the room with it.

Posted : 24/03/2023 9:32 pm
Active Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

How do you re-run the thermal model calibration that happened after the firmware update?

I think something went wrong with mine because nearly all of my prints since the update are lifting and warping.  I'd never had these problems on the MK3S+ before.  Now it happens reproducibly, even with same models I'd printed successfully just hours before applying the firmware update.

The problem happens with both Prusament PLA on the smooth build plate and Prusament PETG on the textured build plate.  I've cleaned the plates with IPA (as I always do) and tried again.  I've re-sliced the models to move them to different positions on the build plate to rule out a localized problem with the heated bed.

The first layer goes down very well.  I tried the Prusa bed level test, which turned out perfectly.  So the lifting and warping happens after that.

I could start tinkering with temperatures and other slicer parameters, but that feels like trying to work around that problem.  Given that it happens consistently with that same models, filament, and build plates that worked flawlessly before the firmware update, I'm guessing that the root problem is that something went wrong with the thermal model calibration.

Posted : 04/04/2023 2:08 pm
Eminent Member

I have some issues too... Several prints are failing, clogs, etc when they were all OK with the previous firmware... Really not happy about that. I am using sequential printing, even regenerated the gcode files. I am on the verge of rollbacking.

Posted by: @john-doe-17

1 week ago today was my first experience in 3d printing. I purchased an unassembled MK3S+ that was shipped with firmware version 3.11.0. The printer is entirely unmodified and exactly what came from prusa, and only using prusament filament.

I'd never printed anything, never worked with print files or gcode. Never been in any 3d print file market place. Nothing.

My first print was a 3d benchy, seen here -

My second print was the all-in-one stress test, seen here -

After my first and second prints, I could tell that the annoying "there's a new firmware version" message at the beginning of printing a new item was going to piss me off.

So I installed firmware version 3.12.2.

Our household, 2 kids and my wife, call this version the "Suicidal Firmware Version."

Almost every item I attempted to print with this firmware version would cause the printer to cause a collision and behave erratically. The extruder head would navigate to a far x or y axis, and then return to printing. And on 4 separate occasions, it would be mid print, and decide it wanted to nosedive the extruder right into the project.

My son and I stepped through the gcode and weren't able to find any of this behavior.

We thought maybe the SD card was bad, so we used different SD cards. Maybe the micro to SD adapter was bad, so we tried different adapters.

I was intensely frustrated.

I rolled back to 3.11.0, the printer is no longer suicidal, and it's been a workhorse ever since. Parts are now flying off, and it hasn't had a single issue.

I'm at the point that I'm extremely scared to upgrade to the new version, and had I had a business with dozens of these, a rolling upgrade would have prevented me from having this affect every printer, but this type of crap would have impacted the bottom line of my production.

Get this crap fixed ASAP.


This post was modified 2 years ago by Mathieu
Posted : 08/04/2023 6:43 am
Eminent Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

You are lucky 😉 I never worked for me even with the old firmware 😉

Posted by: @alex-33

Was something modified regarding the filament sensor? it seems like it doesn't detect the end of the filament as the previous firmware, I am printing with filament from my pullstruder and it used to detect the end of the filament, now it continues to print untill the gears can't push on the filament anymore, and it's not a jammed nozzle problem, and this didn't happen before as it would stop itself, autoloading filament still works so it's not a faulty sensor


Posted : 08/04/2023 6:46 am
Ian Harris
Eminent Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

I would say the thermal modelling in 3.12 is still a beta thing. 

I purchased a new assembled Mk3S+ a month ago and guess what firmware it came with?  3.11

I then had a blockage in my original Mk3S. Nothing I did was able to clear the blockage, so I decided to change the hotend. Prusa was out of stock, but I was able to order a hotend from E3D, so with this, and a spare PTFE tube from the spares kit, my original Mk3S was back printing again. I couldn't face the hassle of 3.12 firmware, so it's running 3.11.



Posted : 08/04/2023 7:38 am
Illustrious Member

The new Thermal security feature is actually in beta status at the moment. Due to the numerous firmware changes and influences of hardware parameters, it requires complex analyses in case of emerging misbehavior, which is rather reserved for experienced users.

If any problem occurs, the simplest solution at the moment is: downgrade to FW 3.11.x



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Posted : 08/04/2023 9:32 am
Extra Fox liked
Trusted Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

When you installed 3.12.2 Did the firmware go through the thermal calibration process? 
I have a MK3S+ that I upgraded to 3.12.2 and it is working perfectly.

You can rerun all calibrations individually from the LCD display see:

You can also disable thermal model protection see:

I would try to get it to work rather than disable it.


Posted : 08/04/2023 1:12 pm
Ian Harris
Eminent Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!
Posted by: @paul-hodara

When you installed 3.12.2 Did the firmware go through the thermal calibration process?

Yes, eventually, it took a couple of tries with 3.12.1 , but, on the last try, the beeping alarm stopped just as I was about to give up and the thermal calibration finished successfully. Printing was fine with no problems for some 15 hours, or so, until the blockage problem happened.

However, when I replaced the hotend I decided that I'd install 3.11 firmware.



Posted : 08/04/2023 3:03 pm
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

Well I upgraded and then constant y crash errors.   Self checks failed on y axis.

Reverted to 3.11 and the errors have gone.  

So I won't upgrade until this is fixed

Posted : 21/04/2023 9:46 pm
New Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

After updating the firmware to Ver. 3.12.2, the Y-axis collision detection occurred and printing stopped halfway through.

This occurred 100% of the time.

I carefully checked the hardware and found no problem at all. I reverted the firmware to Ver. 3.12.1 and the problem was resolved.

Posted : 26/04/2023 1:28 am
Estimable Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

I got new Revo 6 few days ago and am about to install on my MK3S+ (upgraded from original MK3). And then I caught the first sentence in E3D upgrade guide. I have been reading all comments regarding latest firmware and it sounds like it's not 100% work. I'm now hesitated to install Revo 6, even through I know I can rollback the version to 3.11.

I only bought the Revo 6 for the ease of change/replace nozzles. 

I'm wrestling with my decision whether I wanted to install the Revo and rollback to 3.11 (or wait for newer firmware version) or keep V6 and do the hard way (changing V6 brass). 

Posted : 25/05/2023 6:22 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

There are people reporting problems with firmware 3.12.x who have no Revo 6 installed. Going back to 3.11.x is easy and it works just fine with (or without) the Revo 6. I have not regretted installing the Revo 6 on my MK3S+ so far (about 2 months). Higher version numbers are no guarantee for "better". The line between cutting edge and bleeding edge is very thin. 🙂

Posted : 25/05/2023 8:04 pm
New Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

I then had the opportunity to disassemble the extruder and replace the hot end to address the heat break problem. While I was at it, I replaced all the plastic parts that had partially melted due to long term operation and started over with the wizard, and the error no longer occurred even with 3.12.2.

Posted : 26/05/2023 5:04 am
Extra Fox
Reputable Member
RE: 3.12.2 Firmware for MK3, MK3S, MK3S+ is out!

Well, I've just loaded up 3.12.2 on my machine using the Bondtech firmware branch. I ran the auto PID calibration and I'll just leave it running to see what happens.

My two main issues previously were;

  1. Constant thermal anomaly messages.
  2. Long constant beep on error code M112

My system is modified I run;

  1. Slice Engineering Mosquito with their HT thermistor.
  2. BondTech extruder.
  3. Octoprint

All of this ran brilliantly on the 3.11.x firmware so I'll be back to that if this glitches again.


Posted : 26/05/2023 5:13 pm
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