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X/Y Axis Slightly Skewed After XYZ Recal  

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X/Y Axis Slightly Skewed After XYZ Recal

Hi Everyone!

I performed an XYZ calibration after a move around in the house. The printer was dormant for some time and collected a bit of dust, which I cleared off of course. After calibration I got the message on the LCD that the X/Y axis is slightly skewed and although I am aware that the software makes adjustments for this, I would prefer the axis to be perpendicular so that it does not haunt me at night. 

I have attached some photos of the XYZ cal stats. If anyone could inform me of what could be causing this and can recommend options on rectifying this issue then I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you!


Opublikowany : 24/08/2022 1:39 pm