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Sample Castle Printing and Cleaning Questions  

New Member
Sample Castle Printing and Cleaning Questions

After having confidence printing both Buddy and the Whistle examples, I took the plunge and decided to try my hand at the Castle using PLA as described.  After the first layer, I left briefly and returned to find the entire print stuck to the nozzle and floating around the bed (smooth sheet) with each movement.  When I separated the print from the nozzle, as expected, it released a significant mount of material.  The nozzle and heating block had material all over it which I incorrectly assumed it would snap off once cool.  

  1. What recommendations do you have to clean the outside of the nozzle and heater block (please see pics)? 
  2. Based upon the pics of the first layer, do you suspect a Z-order calibration issue?  Why the banding?

All help is greatly appreciated.

Publié : 04/01/2023 6:59 pm
Noble Member
RE: Sample Castle Printing and Cleaning Questions

heat nozzle to 280 turn off printer and scrape as much plastic of with a screw driver or something then heat back up to 280 remove nozzle and clean nozzle and put hairdryer or heat gun on it to help melt plastic your first layer cal isn't right

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Publié : 07/01/2023 10:35 pm
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