Replacing rev. 4 of MK3S extruder motor plate - any other changes needed?
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Replacing rev. 4 of MK3S extruder motor plate - any other changes needed?  

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Replacing rev. 4 of MK3S extruder motor plate - any other changes needed?

Hello! I've discovered that whenever my extruder motor is in place, even if I fully loosen one of the screws, it pushes the filament sensor lever in my i3 MK3S, causing it to always detect filament as present. According to the "Clean up of printed part" section of, this is a known problem with the R4 version of the part, which is what I have. I tried shaving it down according to the instructions given but was unable to get it to behave itself. I'm thinking it might be easier and perhaps more effective to print a more up to date version of the part (I see there's an R6 version that has considerably changed the openings) and replace it with that. If all my parts are of the 4th revision, is that something I can do? Or are there other parts with which it won't fit correctly if I do not reprint those as well? I'd really prefer to only replace this part if at all possible so as not to have to redo too much else.

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 3 years par BearBee
Publié : 11/04/2022 2:10 pm
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