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Question about print quality (Z-seam?)  

Eminent Member
Question about print quality (Z-seam?)


I'm actually quite happy with the print. The object on the photo is printed with 0.2mm layer height and standard setting (Prusaslicer).
Are the small circumferential elevations the Z-seam and can this be further optimized e.g. with retract setting or similar?

Best regards, Neidal

Publié : 17/07/2020 9:47 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Question about print quality (Z-seam?)

As its spiraling around then yes that looks like the seam.  You can try adjusting the retraction distance but you could also try the retraction speed too.  Calibrating your filament profile to match the measured diameter can also help too.  By default it will be set to 1.75 but filament can vary so this can effect things, its best to measure several points along the filament and also check for roundness and work out the average. 

As an example I was getting overextrusion on the top surface of a recent print.  I was using filament someone had given me as it was jamming up their mk3s all the time.  When I actually measured it the average was closer to 1.8mm instead.  This explained his jamming and my over extrusion on flat top surfaces where its most noticeable. 

If you find you cant minimise it much then you can change the seam location to rear or aligned which can make it easier to post process to remove it.  The default tries to hide it in corners but on round stuff there isnt anywhere to hide it.

Publié : 17/07/2020 2:50 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Question about print quality (Z-seam?)


thank you very much for the tips on how I can improve the print. Good to know that it's really the Z-seam, then I know where to start.

I also found a good article about Z-seam here.

Many greetings,

Publié : 19/07/2020 4:06 pm
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