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Print not sticking to half of bed  

Active Member
Print not sticking to half of bed

I picked up the MK3 last Nov and have had great luck. Since then, I've mostly printed with PETG with no issues at all, only wiping down the PEI sheet with Windex between prints, everything has stuck great and released great.

Last week, I tried to do the extruder linearity correction calibration tower, so I switched back to PLA to print the generated gcode. I had all kinds of issues, but eventually got it to print (guessing nozzle was partially clogged?). Good news, the calibration looked good and required minimal changes. Bad news, switching back to PETG has caused nothing but issues.

For some reason, my first layer sticks great in the center to lower-right half of the bed, however, it doesn't stick at all on the top-left of the bed. A 20mm single layer calibration square, something I threw together to calibrate live z offset, works perfect in the center of the bed, but i'm guessing it wouldn't stick if I relocated it up further. Live z offset is calibrated so the measured square is within 0.01mm thickness. The mesh bed leveling is running before the print.

Things I've tried:
- IPA, then Windex
- Acetone, then Windex
- Dish soapy water (scrubbing with a paper towel very well), then Windex

No matter what, PETG doesn't seem to want to stick on the top-left. Picture below.

Any ideas?

Respondido : 10/03/2019 5:55 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Print not sticking to half of bed

I just printed with some Amazon PETG that would not stick unless the bed was completely clean; any Windex would make it peel as if oiled with cooking grease.

Respondido : 10/03/2019 6:00 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print not sticking to half of bed

Two things got me going again:
1. Drying my PETG filament (Amazon basics btw, I have been VERY happy with the print quality so far, but once it absorbs moisture, it seems to not work well at all, $35 rosewill dehydrator and 5 minutes with a pair of flush cut pliers made a great dryer that holds 2 spools at a time)
2. No longer using Windex. Thanks for the suggestion Tim! Although I've printed probably 3kg of Amazon Basics PETG with Windex and no issues... maybe something changed on my bed? Cleaning with IPA before PETG seems to be key now. Prints still pop off easily and don't seem to be damaging the PEI at all.

Respondido : 14/03/2019 1:47 pm