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PLA Benchy coming loose, but only far in to print  

Active Member
PLA Benchy coming loose, but only far in to print

I started with having some issues with first layer peeling at corners or coming loose a few mins in to print. I used soap & warm water to fully clean the textured plate and then also cleaned with 70% isopropyl alcohol. That fixed my attachement and first layer issues so I went to print a benchy. The first one came loose from the plate about the time it was printing the top of the wheelhouse. I went back to first layer and backed off my z-offset a bit and then printed a second one. Second one did the same thing. Attached is a pic. The one with sphagetting still on it is the latest one, the one in back was the first one and i cleaned up the sphagetti off of it. 

What should I do next? If I reduce the z adjustment any more I end up with translucent spots in the filament and some places where filament is not bonded to one next to it. 


Benchy Mess

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 4 years 2 mal von 4Ex2K
Veröffentlicht : 27/02/2021 12:22 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: PLA Benchy coming loose, but only far in to print

Oh, and I had followed the process at to get my z adjusted. 

Veröffentlicht : 27/02/2021 1:27 am
Estimable Member
RE: PLA Benchy coming loose, but only far in to print

I had the same problem early on.  The cause is that benchy is separating from the base during the print.  You'll need to dig into the 1st layer z calibration, the cleaning of the sheet and the best match of sheet type to filament type.

As far as the z-calibration, I find that downloading the cal pattern that I found here somewhere and live-adjusting z during the print of the cal pattern works better than using the build-in calibration test.  I print the cal pattern and at the start of the diagonal print of the cal square I start adjusting from 'a' to 'b' then when done I inspect the full square to see where it is best.

For matching filament to sheet type, I use PLA on smooth sheets and PET on textured.  That works for me.

Veröffentlicht : 27/02/2021 4:11 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: PLA Benchy coming loose, but only far in to print

Yes, I had done the cleaning and used the z calibration patterns from the thread I linked above. Prints still peel up and definitely do not stick at all to the plate after first layer starts to cool.  

This is incredibly annoying. I bought a Prusa as it was supposed to just work and I wouldn't have to continuously fiddle with it like an Ender 3. So far this Prusa is a worse out of box experience than my Ender 3 since PLA won't adhere at all to this build palate. I really wish Prusa's ste was more clear that you should not use the textured plate for PLA and should only use their smooth plate. What a waste of my time and now I have to waste more to order a smooth plate. Hopefully it doesn't continue to have these issues.  

Veröffentlicht : 27/02/2021 9:37 pm
Estimable Member
RE: PLA Benchy coming loose, but only far in to print

I was fortunate enough to have, without any particular reason, ordered on of each sheet.  I would be very annoyed as well if I had PLA filament and only a textured sheet.

Veröffentlicht : 27/02/2021 11:29 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: PLA Benchy coming loose, but only far in to print

I went ahead and resorted to using the glue stick approach and it did work for my first print. I have ordered the smooth plate, just have to wait a week for it to arrive. 

Veröffentlicht : 28/02/2021 1:22 am
Illustrious Member
RE: PLA Benchy coming loose, but only far in to print


It's possible to print PLA on the textured sheets if the Z calibration is precise.  It should be slightly more squished on a textured sheet than on a smooth one.

At the end of the live Z calibration you are aiming to print a single layer *sheet*. It should be possible to peel it off in one and fold it without the threads seperating. If it breaks into lines it is too high, not squished enough. If it is a single sheet but with wavy lines or drag marks on it you are too low.

For most people it pays to use 7x7 mesh bed levelling.

Many beginners have problems with the built-in first layer calibration routine. There are alternatives, see this page by a regular poster here:

and look at this thread:


Veröffentlicht : 28/02/2021 4:15 am
Illustrious Member
RE: PLA Benchy coming loose, but only far in to print

I'm not a beginner but I have never had much luck with pla sticking to my textured sheet either.  I only use it for petg now and stick with the smooth sheets for pla.

Veröffentlicht : 28/02/2021 1:25 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: PLA Benchy coming loose, but only far in to print

I've now got PETG dialed in and am just using that while I wait on my smooth sheet. Printed filament guide and dual light bar last night just great with PETG and textured plate. I have a bunch of PLA filament I don't want to just throw out so hopefully I can get the smooth sheet working for PLA just as well. 

Veröffentlicht : 28/02/2021 6:10 pm