One of My First Prints - Weird Result
I just built a Prusa i3 MK3S+ from the kit and did a few of the preloaded prints and they worked. I've been trying to print some RPG figures, the first time one of the bases didn't stick to the steel sheet and ended up being dragged around by the nozzle. I cleaned it off, ran a full calibration, and tried again. The print mostly worked, but as you can see in the picture, there was all this extra PLA material stringing between the figures. Any tips as to what would be causing this? Thank you!
RE: One of My First Prints - Weird Result
Welcome to the learning curve. That is called stringing. It can be caused by a few things. Temperature is the main thing. Your first layer Z and using PETG could also do it. (PETG can be stringy if the first layer is not adjusted properly).
RE: One of My First Prints - Weird Result
If you do some research, you'll find out that there are many things that influence stringing. But two most common (and easiest to solve) are: too high temperature (for printing small object with a lot of detail) and second is, wet filament.
Try to use lowest recommended temperature and if you get print without stringing (or at least much less stringing), then increase temperature slightly (for better layer adhesion) until stringing becomes annoying.
Don't assume your filament is dry -dry it! It really makes no sense to make any adjustments in slicer, if your filament is wet.
Anyway, when printing small objects, you can always expect some stringing (but not as much as on your photo).
Btw. I can see your print sheet is quite dirty and there's a lot of dust on it. Has nothing to do with stringing... still, you should care about that.
PETG can be stringy if the first layer is not adjusted properly
I really don't see how would first layer influence stringing.
[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]
RE: One of My First Prints - Weird Result
I'm not using PETG, I'm using PLA, I just did a calibration right before this print, so first layer Z should be fine. Sounds like most likely I should lower the temperature some and give it another shot. Thank you!
Save that print for "And your party was engulfed by spider webs ..."
It's still a useful print like you have it .... just saying.