MK3S Kit - power on - choose language - resets back to choose language.
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MK3S Kit - power on - choose language - resets back to choose language.  

New Member
MK3S Kit - power on - choose language - resets back to choose language.

I've just completed building the kit.  I've checked the wiring several times and don't see anything as incorrectly connected or any wire damage.

  1. when I power it on for the first time, it asks me for a language.
  2. I choose English.
  3. It appears to start the fan tests (both the print and  hotend fans come on for a second), but doesn't appear to go on to the hotbed test (I'm assuming that is an LED on the hotbed that would be on if it had power.  I saw no voltage on the hotbed pins, but was using a voltmeter, not an o-scope so may miss a blip.   hotbed appears to be hooked correctly.  hotbed showing 2.8 ohms
  4. It then appears to immediatly reset (no error code, no warning, just resets), I get the "original prusa i3, prusa research" flash, the fans turn off, and I'm back to the choose language screen.

if I disconnect the fans, I get the same behavior

disconnecting the termisters got it a little further, but I got a mintemp error.   Looking that up I realized the temp was 17.5 or so, so heated it up to 19 or so and retried.

now it is asking me if I want it to walk me through the setup.   selecting yes or no results in a reset (as before, and back to initialization message and asking me it I want to have it walk me through the setup again.

I've searched the help and can't seem to find what would cause this behavior.   Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is just an expensive paperweight otherwise..... 


Opublikowany : 06/12/2020 1:32 am
Prominent Member
RE: MK3S Kit - power on - choose language - resets back to choose language.

Maybe you press the reset button (X) instead of pressing the rotary knob? 😉 

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Opublikowany : 06/12/2020 12:12 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S Kit - power on - choose language - resets back to choose language.


sorry, should have mentioned I tried that.  reset button didn't change the behavior.       

Opublikowany : 06/12/2020 3:53 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S Kit - power on - choose language - resets back to choose language.

I guessed that the sensors/motors may have had a short in it and power on caused a power panic.  Since I could find no troubleshooting guide, I disconnected all of the devices so that the only connection was the power and the ribbon cable and was going to connect  them one at a time until I determined which device had the short.    Unfortunately, I get the same behavior with just the power and ribbon cables connected.    Bad einsy board?

Opublikowany : 06/12/2020 5:47 pm
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Kit - power on - choose language - resets back to choose language.
Posted by: @davetpet

Bad einsy board?

I doubt that. These are tested before they are packaged  at Prusa. But ofcourse it can happen.

I would think it would fail before you have push any button. Could you try it with the knob pulled off? It really sounds like what happens when you push the reset button below the knob. Maybe the button is pushed on to far or the display not installed right and you push the knob and reset button together.


There is a warning in the manual about not tightening the zipties to tight because that can damage the ribbon cables.


Just guessing here and looking for the easy solution first.

Opublikowany : 06/12/2020 7:16 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S Kit - power on - choose language - resets back to choose language.

 THANK YOU.....  stupid first user error...  I was hitting the reset buttton thinking it was a select.    user interface info it pretty far back in the manual and I was looking at the self test doc which was at the front....



Opublikowany : 06/12/2020 8:19 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK3S Kit - power on - choose language - resets back to choose language.

You are not the first, and won't be the last person to do that! 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 06/12/2020 9:31 pm
Active Member
RE: MK3S Kit - power on - choose language - resets back to choose language.
Posted by: @rh_dreambox

Maybe you press the reset button (X) instead of pressing the rotary knob? 😉 

Ha! I did that! Thanks!

Opublikowany : 09/12/2020 6:01 pm