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Issues with first layer adhesion/dragging  

New Member
Issues with first layer adhesion/dragging

Hello, I am having issues with adhesion on the first layer of printing. Sometimes the nozzle actually drags the filament away from the print bed. Parts of the print are fine but there is always at least one issue on the first layer. Bed is washed and wiped with isopropyl. This is a photo of the prusa test print. Filament is PLA. 


I bought the printer assembled but accidentally reset calibration, Have calibrated everything since then. Nothing is working, please help. I have a cheap 3d printer I've been using for years and never had issues like this. It's driving my crazy









Veröffentlicht : 22/11/2021 11:05 pm
Illustrious Member

The picture is not quite clear enough to be sure of your first layer Z level.  Please show us a first layer Z calibration in close up.   At the end of the calibration you are aiming to print a single layer *sheet*. It should be possible to peel it off in one and fold it without the threads seperating. If it breaks into lines it is too high, not squished enough. If it is a single sheet but with wavy lines or drag marks on it you are too low.

It is, however, clear enough to see smears on the PEI sheet.  Despite your use of IPA you are advised to do a deep clean.  Clean the sheet with dishwashing detergent (Dawn/Fairy) and plenty of HOT water, rinse well and dry with a fresh paper towel. Handle by the edges only.


Veröffentlicht : 23/11/2021 12:18 am
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Issues with first layer adhesion/dragging

Thank you for your response. I re-cleaned the bed and ran a Z level calibration again. Here are the results. I'm still getting small inconsistencies in extrusion, and I believe it is not the filament because I have printed with this spool on another printer with no issues. The test panel seems fine- flat and with no drag marks.

Yet as soon as I try printing something I get this type of clumping and dragging that gets pushed and disconnected from the print bed, ruining the whole print.



I cannot figure out what is going on, and I haven't been able to get a single usable print

Veröffentlicht : 23/11/2021 12:40 am
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
and wash that sheet good...

The streaks say it all.  IPA user.

Veröffentlicht : 23/11/2021 11:17 am
Illustrious Member

Did you use HOT water and soap?

If anything your first layer is a fraction too low, too squished and you are seeing small amounts of plastic scraped off the top and redeposited.  You are close though; make a note of the current Z value so you can easily go back and start over if you overshoot the correction.


Veröffentlicht : 23/11/2021 5:39 pm