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Is it necesary the XYZ calibration?  

Estimable Member
Is it necesary the XYZ calibration?

I explain. My brother gave me an einsy plate 😛 and I thought about buying an upgrade structure 😛 and other items to mount an mk3s. Most pieces are original prusa, bought in their store 😛 . Less the MK52. Maybe that was my mistake 😳 .
It is impossible for me to complete the XYZ calibration.

I have measured the different measurements, the distances and perpendicularity from each of the pieces with a caliper. I have checked again and again the assembly, the height of the PINDA. I checked that the cables do not touch the PSU or the case of the Einsy. I have check the tension of the belts, I have raised the extruder to the top of the Z axis before doing the calibration. I have used the selftest (which gives me everything OK), I have done the calibration of the Z (OK). I even scratched the MK52 a bit as described in this message . Nothing at all. It always fails in the calibration of point 3 😥 .

In the end, tired of reviewing and mounting and dismantling everything, I thought that perhaps the MK52 is not well. So I have gone to the next step: I have done the calibration of the first layer, after lowering the nozzle to -0,650 it completes well. And I have printed some piece (the 3D benchy and the little frog): everything looks good 😯 . The quality is similar to that obtained with the MK2.5 that I also have.

So I return to the question of the title: is the XYZ calibration necessary?

Sorry for my poor English. I try to do my best.

Opublikowany : 08/03/2019 8:31 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Is it necesary the XYZ calibration?

If you scratched the sheet, the PINDA is too high. A PINDA that is too high will also fail calibration.

Opublikowany : 08/03/2019 8:56 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Is it necesary the XYZ calibration?

No, no I scratched the sheet accidentaly, I did it like it's described in ... c/issues/3 .

The PINDA is OK.

Sorry for my poor English. I try to do my best.

Opublikowany : 08/03/2019 9:53 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Is it necesary the XYZ calibration?

English ... I''used used it my entire life and still can't understand it.

Okay - if failing only one of the points - I'd still trying lowering the PINDA a half a millimeter. The metal pieces in the heatbed have some variation in depth. Your PINDA height may allow detection of 3, but not all 4 of the metal chips.

You can test this: turn power off, paper on the bed. placing the PINDA directly over the point that fails, and manually lower the Z-Axis one motor step at a time (turn each Z screw one "click") ... verify the PINDA LED turns off. If the nozzle contacts the bed before the PINDA turns off, the PINDA is too high. If high, lower the PINDA. You can also compare the bad point to a good point as a reference.

After manually turning the screws, it is a good idea to run the Z-Axis to the top stops to sync the two screws.

Opublikowany : 08/03/2019 6:07 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Is it necesary the XYZ calibration?

Thanks Tim, but I think my English is poorer than yours 😀

I'll try the technique you suggest.

Sorry for my poor English. I try to do my best.

Opublikowany : 12/03/2019 10:34 am
Trusted Member
Re: Is it necesary the XYZ calibration?

When you say "less the mk52" are you talking about the spring steel sheet or the PCB heater? Without the PCB heater you can't do the ZXY calibration as you need the 4 corner targets to on it be found to set initial z height and check how much skew you have.

Opublikowany : 12/03/2019 1:49 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Is it necesary the XYZ calibration?

Less the mk52... OK, I want to say that the mk52 is not original prusa.It's from Aliexpress.

Sorry for my poor English. I try to do my best.

Opublikowany : 12/03/2019 9:22 pm