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How does your Y-axis feels ?  

New Member
How does your Y-axis feels ?

Hi there,
Just got my new printer finished. I could calibrate and print the PRUSA logo with a decent result

Now I it looks the Y-axis has an issue since it tries to over-run the maximum point and makes a strong noise (motor is blocked because reaching the carriage endpoint). If I try to move the Y manually (thru the menu) I can only go from +6 to -4 and I'm not able to move the plate to the extreme other end via the menu.
I re-ran a XYZ calibration but the same happens during that process.

Powered off, I try to move in the Y-axis with the hand and I feel that the motot isn't moving smoothly. I mean it's easy than after 5cm the torque is getting (a bit) harder then smooth then harder....and so. Other axis are always smooth along the whole cariage excursion.

Is it also the same to you guys ? Or do I have an issue there ?

Thank you



Best Answer by jsw:

It should always slide smoothly in the Y direction.

A good sanity check is to temporarily release the belt.  The bed should then slide smoothly from one end to the other with very little friction.

This will tell you if the friction is due to the bearings and rods, or the motor, pulley, and belt.

Postato : 10/10/2022 3:18 pm
Famed Member
RE: How does your Y-axis feels ?

It should always slide smoothly in the Y direction.

A good sanity check is to temporarily release the belt.  The bed should then slide smoothly from one end to the other with very little friction.

This will tell you if the friction is due to the bearings and rods, or the motor, pulley, and belt.

Postato : 10/10/2022 4:13 pm
RE: How does your Y-axis feels ?

Low friction is what I feel.  The key to testing it is a firm but consistent pressure in the X orY direction if you are testing belt tightness.   

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 10/10/2022 4:15 pm
Olivier hanno apprezzato
T. Beck
New Member
RE: How does your Y-axis feels ?

Try lubing the bed bearings. Sometimes they run dry and cause a twisting moment in the Y-axis thus increasing friction. I’ve has this same problem and lubing the bearings fixed it.

They should run freely on the rods. 

Postato : 10/10/2022 4:20 pm
Olivier hanno apprezzato
New Member
RE: How does your Y-axis feels ?

With powered off  printer carriage not moving smoothly: You can try to loosen grub(locking) screws on your y axis motor pulley and rotate pulley on shaft by, lets say, 90 degrees to one side or the other (tighten grub screws) and when check operation, if it gets better or worse. Try to find best position with uniform resistance to movement.

Postato : 10/10/2022 6:11 pm
Olivier hanno apprezzato
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How does your Y-axis feels ?

Thank you to all of you. It's good to know it go with low friction and be constant. There's definetly something in there then....
I'll check that and let you know.

Have a great day.

Postato : 11/10/2022 8:24 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How does your Y-axis feels ?

Looks the Y-axis pulley was slightly touching the motor. Y-axis moves somoothly from end-to-end now. Thankx for your help.

Postato : 11/10/2022 11:19 am