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How can I improve "stringing"?  

Eminent Member
How can I improve "stringing"?

Printing looks good but there's lots of stringing. What can I do to improve it?


Posted : 02/10/2024 8:07 am
Illustrious Member

60 chess sets at a time huh?  What filament is this, I suspect it is damp ... try drying it.

If that doesn't help save your project as a .3mf file

Files > Save Project as

Zip the .3mf and post it here. It will contain both your part and your settings for us to diagnose.


Posted : 02/10/2024 8:37 am
Noble Member
RE: How can I improve "stringing"?

What Diem said.

Is that PETG? If so, people reported to reduce PETG stringing with z-lift set to zero and reduced retraction length of 0.4. But I personally get the best results with nicely dried PETG and the default settings with just a little extrusion correction(extrusion multipier 1.03 but this might be specific to my printer/hotend).


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Posted : 02/10/2024 11:29 am
Reputable Member

Temperature is also an important factor. IMHO nozzle temp. in Prusa profile for Prusament PETG is too high. Instead of 240C first layer and 250c for other layers I use 235C-235C with good results  Maybe with hardened steel nozzles the default settings are OK, but not with brass or copper nozzles.

It's also recommended to disable "wipe on retract" to reduce stringing, although I'm not sure if it has much effect.

To be honest, I don't print much Prusament PETG these days, I prefer Geeetech. It's not only cheaper but it seems less "temperamental" than some colors of Prusa PETG.  

Of course if the filament in question is not PETG but PLA or something else, then we're talking apples and oranges..

This post was modified 6 months ago by Artur5
Posted : 02/10/2024 1:02 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

I use the Prusa filament. It happens with new and old filament, I don't think it's because the filament is dump.

I attach the file 3mf file. Looking forward to hearing from you,

This post was modified 5 months ago 2 times by samuel.jimenez
Posted : 17/10/2024 11:06 am
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: How can I improve "stringing"?

New or old does not matter with PETG. Having dried it for about 4 hours at 60-65 °C before printing does matter. You never wrote if you tried that.

Posted : 17/10/2024 11:33 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How can I improve "stringing"?

It's PLA.

Posted : 17/10/2024 11:35 am
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: How can I improve "stringing"?

Well, then use 50 °C in your dryer. PLA can benefit from drying, too.

Posted : 17/10/2024 11:38 am
Illustrious Member

That's not the .3mf for the pictured problem print - but no matter.  That print takes some 26 hours.

At times when humidity is generally high and neither central heating or air conditioning are in use filaments can deteriorate in just a few hours.  Your picture shows clean printing near the base as if the filament started dry but stringing at the top suggesting that moisture has been absorbed during printing.  This suggests that as well as drying you need to print from a drybox.


Posted : 17/10/2024 12:23 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How can I improve "stringing"?

Yeah the picture is from biships instead of knights but it's exactly the same effect.


So, I should buy something like this:


So when I open a new filament, I place it here and it will protect it from the humidity, printing without any stringing issues??

Posted : 17/10/2024 12:36 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: How can I improve "stringing"?

The Dry Box is not an active dryer, it is intended to keep moisture out of already dry filament. Get an active filament dryer if your filament contains too much moisture. There are many different brands available. It is good to have one that has a built-in fan, as they are generally more effective to get the moisture out. Or look for a DIY solution with a food dehydrator. You will find videos with instructions on this on YouTube.

Posted : 17/10/2024 1:04 pm
Noble Member
RE: How can I improve "stringing"?

Get or build a dryer. Dry your filament. Build dry boxes. Fill with more desiccant than you think is needed (and put in some extra) and store your filament. Renew the desiccant as soon as humidity starts to rise in the box. 

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
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Posted : 17/10/2024 3:24 pm
Illustrious Member

Depending whereabouts in the world you are you might just need to wait a few weeks for dry weather - but if it is frequently humid then yes, dryers and dryboxes are your answer.


Posted : 17/10/2024 3:53 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How can I improve "stringing"?

I'm quite lost in terms of dryers and so on.

What I understood is that I can build or buy a drybox and put the filament there as soon as I open it to ensure that it's completely dry. This should work.

Other options like drying filament if it's already not dry seem pretty complicated :/

Posted : 23/10/2024 1:23 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: How can I improve "stringing"?

It is not a safe assumption that a spool of filament fresh out of the box is dry enough for printing. Perhaps it is okay for PLA most of the time, but in my experience it is best to put a fresh filament spool into the dryer for a few hours just to be on the safe side and to get consistent printing results. Better than realizing after a few hours into the print that it was not dry enough, wasting time and filament. A filament dryer is a good investment that you won't regret after you have tried it and seen the results. I would suggest to get something simple like the Sunlu S2 dryer. It has selectable presets for common filament types. Not complicated to use at all. You have a 3d printer, right? I guess that is a more complicated device than a filament dryer. 🙂

Posted : 23/10/2024 5:01 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How can I improve "stringing"?

I bought the 3dsunlu and seems it's not stringing anymore.



Posted : 14/11/2024 10:29 am