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First prints taking ~40% longer than expected  

New Member
First prints taking ~40% longer than expected

Just curious if expectations are correct (gcode files have overall print time in the name). Printed the 3D Hubs Marvin which should take about 50 minutes but took 1hr 10min. Printing the whistle now and am 25 minutes in and it's reporting about 62% complete. Is this way off? Any suggestions?

Postato : 12/05/2018 8:56 pm
Prominent Member
Re: First prints taking ~40% longer than expected

Ignore those time estimates. they vary between fairly close and hopelessly optimistic. They are just an indication. If you want a far more accurate one re-slice the STL in the Slic3r PE Edition - it gives a very good estimate when saving out the gcode.

Postato : 12/05/2018 11:35 pm