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First layer - very unsatisfactory results  

New Member
First layer - very unsatisfactory results

Hi, I assembled MK3s+ and I am stuck at test print/First layer.

From the guide I would guess that my settings are too high because how uneven the print is but my results are way off in comparison to the given examples.

I tried readjusting 3 times and event tried printing the "my way" test but to terrible results.

Please take a look:

Best Answer by Robin:

They are way off, because you are way to high. Expect values between -0.700 and -2.000.

Napsal : 14/02/2023 8:56 am
Noble Member

They are way off, because you are way to high. Expect values between -0.700 and -2.000.

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
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Napsal : 14/02/2023 9:04 am
skaddisbladis se líbí
SG Newb Rider
Trusted Member
RE: First layer - very unsatisfactory results

when you set up your PINDA probe use a plastic card or feeler gauge to set up the difference between the tip of the nozzle and the probe. then use calipers to measure the thickness of the card, back it off a little and start your Live-Z adjustment from there. you'll get to the end faster. e.g. if the card is 1.50mm thick, start your Live-Z at -1.20mm, then start going down from there.

using a long strip print rather than a square will be easier to "walk" the setting down to the correct height

Napsal : 14/02/2023 1:50 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: First layer - very unsatisfactory results



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Napsal : 14/02/2023 2:17 pm