First Layer not sticking on headbed when the nozzle is changing direction
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First Layer not sticking on headbed when the nozzle is changing direction  

Paul Riedt
First Layer not sticking on headbed when the nozzle is changing direction

Hey Community,

My MK3s+ working with a 0,4mm nozzle is printing straight lines quite good.
As soon as the printer turns 90 degree (especially when he turns 180 degrees) the print is not sticking on the headbed.

Filament: Extrudr PLA NX2, 1,75mm grey

Temperature: 215 degree, 60 degree headbed

Any recommondations?

Respondido : 08/06/2024 7:05 pm
Illustrious Member

You may have a build-up of filament residue on the build sheet.  A really thorough clean might be enough to fix it, if not (smooth sheet only) a wipe with acetone may be needed.

You probably know that in addressing the problem you have dialled the first layer offset a lttle too low.


Respondido : 08/06/2024 10:02 pm