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First layer non-uniform help  

New Member
First layer non-uniform help
Hi Everyone, I'm having a strange issue with the first layer. Actually, I'm not sure if it's really a problem, but it might be hurting the print adhesion. When filling in the initial perimeter, the "fill" isn't uniform between moves. I can also feel ridges between these non-uniformities, and some areas are more rough than others. See attached pic. I've run the z-cal and done the live adjust, I believe the it's at the correct height. Any ideas? Thanks for the help
Opublikowany : 13/10/2019 2:50 am
Illustrious Member
RE: First layer non-uniform help

This is just the way Plicer slices the stl and it can't be changed.  There are bug reports at GitHub in an attempt to get Prusa to change/fix Plicer.  But so far there isn't much traction.  Go there and add a complaint; more people complaining will help get Prusa to at least consider a change.

Opublikowany : 13/10/2019 9:12 pm
Active Member
RE: First layer non-uniform help

I'm having a similar problem; 1st layer cal is not consistent in width or adhesion.  I've cleaned the plate, experimented with Z height, speed and temperatures but can't get consistent results.  The initial strip at the edge of the plate is good, then the rectangular pattern starts late but is initially good but gets a lot thinner with less adhesion, then gets thicker for a few inches and then thinner.  No way to readily  tell if the feed is inconsistent or the heating is not constant causing viscosity differences that affect the extrusion rate.

Opublikowany : 23/11/2019 11:54 pm
Active Member
RE: First layer non-uniform help

I'm having a similar problem; 1st layer cal is not consistent in width or adhesion.  I've cleaned the plate, experimented with Z height, speed and temperatures but can't get consistent results.  The initial strip at the edge of the plate is good, then the rectangular pattern starts late but is initially good but gets a lot thinner with less adhesion, then gets thicker for a few inches and then thinner.  No way to readily  tell if the feed is inconsistent or the heating is not constant causing viscosity differences that affect the extrusion rate.  

I also note that after unloading and reloading the filament the sample was significantly thicker than the thin portions of the first layer calibration.  It's like the extruder cannot keep up with the print requirements but dropping the speed to 75% didn't seem to help much.

Opublikowany : 24/11/2019 12:10 am
Illustrious Member
RE: First layer non-uniform help


Without a photo that shows a print problem, you aren't going to get much help. Words just don't provide enough information of print issues.

Opublikowany : 25/11/2019 11:27 pm