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First Layer Issues - Not Sticking for new slices  

New Member
First Layer Issues - Not Sticking for new slices

I purchased a MK3 a few months ago now. I have been printing the crap out of the loaded test prints (15 Benchys, 40 buddies, a couple Adlindas, a couple Nefertitis and a few dozed geared bearings) but now I have time to figure out how to print my other G-code sliced models but I can not seem to get it to work.

Like I said its calibrated and the Prinda seems to be working fine as the test prints all stick well. I am having issues getting other models to print. I have sliced with both Slic3r 1.3 and Cura 3.5 and 3.6 but when initiating a print the first layer doesn't seem to stick (or stick well) and eventually the print pops off. some time right away and sometimes 10 or so layers in. I have seen people discuss that they have had issues with the Prinda being too high or the nozzle being plugged but wouldn't those also affect the test prints?

I have three other printers (home built and modified Anet A8s) which are sliced with a generic Anet A8 cloned profile. Those slices don't work either.

Any help would be appreciated as I love the quality, speed and lack of noise from the MK3, but if all I can print is the test prints it will be going back.


Postato : 09/03/2019 8:23 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: First Layer Issues - Not Sticking for new slices

It isn't a PINDA issue.

It is probably one of two things: bed is contaminated or the First Layer cal is a bit high.

Send a photo of one of the parts that popped off, especially the bottom that was in contact with the bed.

Postato : 09/03/2019 9:01 pm