First layer calibration. PLA does not adhere to the surface
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First layer calibration. PLA does not adhere to the surface  

Active Member
First layer calibration. PLA does not adhere to the surface

I bought my i3 MK3 printer and it arrived a week ago, yesterday I decided to configure it, updated the firmware and followed the calibration instructions of the video "Guide for a new user". The calibration was made with the PLA filament that comes by default (A piece of 13 cm approx). The calibration went so well, I reached the point of the configuration of the first layer and everything was fine. The calibration was a success.
I decided to make my first impression with a model saved on the SD card that comes with the package. It is worth mentioning that I left a bit of calibration filament. I decided to finish the rest and thus be able to change it immediately. Well that's how it was, I decided to print the whistle. I set the temperature of the nozzle and hot bed with the parameters that come by default. The printing started well, the filament stayed stuck in the bed, at that moment the piece of filament was finished and I changed it (gray PLA). When I made the change of filament it began to get tangled and detached. The impression was not successful and I decided to stop it immediately. I cleaned my bed with isopropyl alcohol and decided to print again. The following impressions were disgusting. I recalibrated 5 more times. I tried adding some glue that comes in the package, but it was not successful !!
But the detail is that the PLA does not stay stuck in the warm bed.
The data to be considered is: The PLA is from Prusa, I am using the default nozzle and bed temperature parameters, the printing speed is 100%. The models that I am sending to print are those that are stored in the SD card (I assumed that they are ready to be printed).
Please if someone has the same problem, what did they do to fix it or what recommendations do they give me? What am I doing wrong, where am I failing?
Greetings from Mexico.

Publié : 28/01/2019 5:58 pm
Noble Member
Re: First layer calibration. PLA does not adhere to the surface

The first rule of the PEI sheet is NEVER touch the print area of the surface. Only touch the very edges and/or use lint free cloth to hold the sheet. The second rule is that for plain PLA you do not add anything to the sheet (e.g. glue, tape, hairspray, etc..).

Wash the sheet with plain dish soap (nothing with additives for your skin or anything) and dry it with a lint free cloth and reinstall it on the bed (without touching the sheet surface).

After a bath I will also rub it down with Acetone. Before every print I also wipe it down with 91% alcohol.

I had trouble with my first three prints and then I did the wash, acetone, and alcohol combination and have never had another adhesion issue. For the first week I was paranoid and used acetone and alcohol before every print, but now I I just wipe it with alcohol before I print unless I accidentally touch the surface or a print left a prominent "after image" on the plate and then I'll acetone it.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Publié : 28/01/2019 8:42 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First layer calibration. PLA does not adhere to the surface

Thanks for your comments, I will put it into practice arriving home! Any problem that comes, I will let you know by this means!

Publié : 28/01/2019 10:14 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First layer calibration. PLA does not adhere to the surface

Thanks for your comments, I will put it into practice arriving home! Any problem that comes, I will let you know by this means!

Publié : 28/01/2019 10:14 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First layer calibration. PLA does not adhere to the surface

I washed the plate with plain dish soap and dried it with a lint free cloth and reinstall it on the bed (without touching the sheet surface). After a bath I also rubbed it down with Acetone and then with alcohol.
The printing of the first layer printed it well. After this I went back to cleaning the sheet with soap-acetone-alcohol and decided to make my first impression. The filament is still peeling off the plate.

Publié : 30/01/2019 10:34 pm
Active Member
Re: First layer calibration. PLA does not adhere to the surface

looks like your Z Adjustment is not correct. Pleas look at this: Z Adjustment and make sure ur Z is correct. Keep in mind his values do not match yours ... for example my z adjust is between 750 and 725. but yours could be anywhere ...

Publié : 30/01/2019 11:05 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First layer calibration. PLA does not adhere to the surface

Hello, you were correct, my z axis was badly adjusted, I have already printed some objects!
Thank you!!

Publié : 04/02/2019 7:43 am
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