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First layer calibration  

New Member
First layer calibration

Hi all,

I’m fairly new to 3d Printing I have been really struggling getting the first layer calibration right and was hoping you all might offer some insight. I ran the set up wizard it says it’s perpendicular and I know I’m in the right range for my probe. If I approach -.7 it’s way to thing (-almost nonexistent) and If I approach .4 the lines don’t touch and If I use -.640 the print becomes very stringy. I currently have it set to -.530 and the print looks like the picture for the first layer. (See below) I feel like I have tried everything in between but can’t seem to find a balance. I would greatly appreciate any insight you all might have.

Napsal : 23/07/2018 5:15 pm
Honorable Member
Re: First layer calibration

welcome to the neverending nightmare of trying to get pinda + a questionably square bed to produce consistent first layers.

you're high on the left and just right in the middle. get the center of the bed right, and then use something like this:

along with the mesh correction menu to tune each side (front, back, left, right) of the bed to get it closer. 3-5 micron increments make a big difference. You won't get it perfect without a LOT of work (spring mounts for the bed, firmware tweaks, etc) but its not an issue as long as its not high enough to cause poor adhesion or low enough to cause serious rippling/waves.

Napsal : 24/07/2018 2:54 am