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EinsyRambo on fake prusa  

Active Member
EinsyRambo on fake prusa

I managed to install a generic LCD 2004 screen by removing the locking tabs from the LCD connector and reversing the cable ALL GOOD

Selftest-when I run this would the printer work out the length of the axis YET TO BE RAN WILL BE RUN SOON

Calibrate XYZ- how would i do this feature on a fake prusa without the 4 calibration points on my bed, if this isn't done would i still have successful bed leveling with the pinda
"The purpose of the X/Y/Z calibration routine is to measure the skew of the X/Y/Z axes and to find the position of the 4 calibration points on the print bed for proper bed leveling. "

"Initiating this routine performs a series of measurements in three rounds: In the first round, without the steel sheet installed, 4 sensor points on the print bed are searched for carefully,
so as not to touch the print bed with the nozzle. In the second round, the point locations are being improved. In the last round, with the steel sheet on, the height above the 9 sensor points is
measured and stored in nonvolatile memory for reference. This finishes the Z axis calibration."

In this paragraph are these actual sensor points or just 4 positions defined in the firmware

"The printer will probe the bed and start printing a zig zag pattern on the print surface. The nozzle will be at the height based on the PINDA probe setting, it must not by any means touch the printing surface."

Is the zig zag pattern built into the firmware or is it gcode I need on SD card

Would there be any other show stoppers, in using this official prusa firmware on a fake prusa.

Please Help

Previously, i was using the duet, a great board but bed leveling was a killer, and always having to use baby stepping, on every print, otherwise the board was great, i still have it and may be using it on another build at another stage.

Postato : 17/03/2019 9:12 pm