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"Crash Detected" Issue  

Eminent Member
"Crash Detected" Issue

I just recently built my i3 MK3S+ printer kit and have been successfully printing jobs that last up to 5 hours from the files on the SD card that came with the kit. The most recent print I did was from an STL file downloaded from the internet. I put the STL file through the prusaslicer and it printed just fine. However, the next print I tried that was from the SD card that came with the kit stopped with a "crash detected" a the very beginning of the print. Basically, once I started the print job, the 9 Z point calibrated just fine, the test line was printed, and then when the nozzle went to the center of the board to start the print, only about 1 inch of filament was laid down before the "crash detected" error popped up and the job stopped. I completely recalibrated the bed again and cleaned the nozzle but the problem persists. Any thoughts what the issue is?

Napsal : 09/01/2022 11:48 pm
Illustrious Member

"crash detected" means the one of the axes cannot move freely.

Presuming you have not left any debris on the build sheet one or more axis is experiencing resistance.

For both the X and Y axes, with the power off, move the axis by hand; is is smooth? Does the resistance stay the same over the whole range?

Clean and lubricate the smooth rods, check they are not damaged/scratched. Check the idler pulley is not clogged, out of line, or damaged (loosen the belt and try turning it with your fingertip, is it smooth?)

With the belt loose try turning the stepper motor by hand; is is smooth?

Retighten the belt until it just begins to make a low musical note when plucked...

If the printer works, make your next print this:

It MUST be printed in Prusament PETG or the spring tension will be wrong.

Let us know how you get on.

Napsal : 10/01/2022 5:51 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: "Crash Detected" Issue

Thank you for the quick reply. The X-axis motion has never been very smooth from the start. The instructions say that the bearings are already lubricated for the kit, but maybe not? The rods for the X-axis are very smooth. No issues there. The belt makes a low note when I give it a twang. The only thing that makes sense right now is that the X-axis bearings need to be lubricated. I have been holding off on doing that based on the disassembly required.

Napsal : 14/01/2022 4:11 am
Illustrious Member

Please post a picture of one of your recent successful prints.

I suggest slightly loosening the X axis to see if it eases motion and give the smooth rods a wipe of oil or light grease.  For many users regular* light lubrication is sufficient, others pack the bearings, ymmv.

Do print that meter asap.


* Eg: monthly along with general maintenance.

Napsal : 14/01/2022 9:10 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: "Crash Detected" Issue

Here is the latest. I was ready to disassemble the extruder so I can grease the x-axis bearings. I did one last check on the resistance of pushing on the x-axis, and it moved smoothly. The only difference from when we talked before is that the temperature of the room where the printer sits is now a little cooler. Is the printer that sensitive to temperature? Anyway, I recalibrated and had no issues. I am currently printer the PRUSA demo print. After that I will print the tension meter. I attached a photo showing recent 3D prints. The craftsman piece and the triceratops are the most recent.

Napsal : 15/01/2022 10:52 pm
Illustrious Member

You're doing something right; those look OK for a new printer.

Every user builds slightly differently and new machines shake down during a running-in period.  From now on, as long as you attend to maintenance and calibration you can expect increasingly reliable results as you build experience with the setup.

Is the printer that sensitive to temperature?

No. It may influence the degree of warping on large prints. 


Napsal : 16/01/2022 7:50 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: "Crash Detected" Issue

I printed the tension meter successfully. It was the first time I printed with PETG. Neat little device. Turns out I was within the proper range range of belt tension. Thanks for pointing me to the print.

Napsal : 16/01/2022 11:30 pm