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Can't print PLA  

New Member
Can't print PLA

I am suffering thru "it was too easy to start and now I'm struggling"...

I've had my printer since November with very few issues building/printing.  For whatever reason I started printing with PETG and have good success with that.  The issue I have is that I cannot print pretty much any PLA, any brand, any model.  Virtually no PLA will stick to any of the 3 PEI sheets I have.  I've tried with brim, without, heated bed off, on at various temps, tried gluestick.  Likewise with Amolen wood filament.  I clean the bed before and after each print with 99% isopropyl.

What can I try as most of the cool filaments are PLA and would like to be able to print them but the ones I have just slide off pretty much if you blow on them.

Napsal : 24/03/2021 10:29 pm
Moderátor Moderator
RE: Can't print PLA

First try cleaning the bed with washing up liquid (dish soap) and drying thoroughly as IPA does not remove heavy grease/oil deposits.

After that redo the calibration and Live Adjust Z procedures.

Napsal : 24/03/2021 10:33 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Can't print PLA

Oh, thanks.  I have never washed the sheets before.  I will give that a go.

Napsal : 24/03/2021 10:41 pm
Famed Member
RE: Can't print PLA
Posted by: @kirkfrey

I am suffering thru "it was too easy to start and now I'm struggling"...

I've had my printer since November with very few issues building/printing.  For whatever reason I started printing with PETG and have good success with that.  The issue I have is that I cannot print pretty much any PLA, any brand, any model.  Virtually no PLA will stick to any of the 3 PEI sheets I have.  I've tried with brim, without, heated bed off, on at various temps, tried gluestick.  Likewise with Amolen wood filament.  I clean the bed before and after each print with 99% isopropyl.

What can I try as most of the cool filaments are PLA and would like to be able to print them but the ones I have just slide off pretty much if you blow on them.

Make sure you have good Live Z. PETG doesn't like to be squished, PLA does. So if your Live Z for PETG was borderline, just good enough to make PETG stick, it may not be right for PLA (too low). Use this method:

If you follow @3delight's advice and wash the sheet thoroughly and then get good Live Z, you shouldn't have any problems with PLA. 

Also, each sheet may require a different Live Z. Textured sheets for example are significantly thinner than smooth sheets and require a lower Live Z. Even within one type--such as smooth sheets--manufacturing tolerances may result in different thickness.


Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 24/03/2021 11:04 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Can't print PLA

Ok, that helped and now I can print PLA successfully some times.  My Z was a little to high but I've fixed that now and can't get any closer to the bed without the square starting to show signs of being too close. 


I've been printing the sprinngy bunny from thingaverse (   I wouldn't call that a tall thin print as the base of the bunny is pretty big.  All of my PET do just fine but at least 50% of PLA prints still fail.  Some early and some late in the print.  The last one that failed was the Prusament Galaxy Grey PLA that came with the printer printed @215 with bed @60.  that print made it to the bunny's ears (in the middle of the night) before it separated from the build plate.  For this last print I had literally just washed the build sheet and wiped it down with IPA.

Happy I can print with PET, not so happy I am struggling with the "easy" filament.  I should mention that I have the printer in Lack enclosure.  I am going to try the next few PLA prints with the doors wide open as I have read that help.  Any other ideas eagerly accepted!

Napsal : 03/04/2021 12:44 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: Can't print PLA

To get a good print:

1. Clean bed with dish soap, and use a lot of hot water, do this several times, to get it real clean.

2. First layer calibration needs to be 100%.

Both settings are for sticking to the bed.

First layer calibration is difficult, but if you are 100% safe in what you are doing, try this:

print a few cubes on the bed, then start printing, do the first layer calibration to high, and lower it step by step, then you see the best first layer.

it needs to be very good, to low or high, it will not stick.

Make a picture for the forum to see if it is OK.

No holes allowed, lines should be sticking together.

If you see waves it is to low.

Search youtube for examples.

And learn this(first layer), it is very important, check the start of printing, and check wen first layer is ready, then you see the whole model and see if it is OK.

Napsal : 03/04/2021 3:59 pm