Auto load filament?
first layer test..... Nothing is coming out of the extruder...
Auto Feed Filament - does that mean I gently push the filament into the gears and they grab the filament and feed it into the extruder? I am nervous about "forcing" the filament ....
I've read everything I can find and this look like the right answer... What do you think?
RE: Auto load filament?
first layer test..... Nothing is coming out of the extruder...
Auto Feed Filament - does that mean I gently push the filament into the gears and they grab the filament and feed it into the extruder? I am nervous about "forcing" the filament ....
I've read everything I can find and this look like the right answer... What do you think?
Here are also listed some possibilities to solve the problem:
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.