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Y-axis error
My MK4.9 was running for about half a year almost non stop. Never had any issue. After being away for 6 weeks, the first print went without any issue, but from the second print the printer comes with a Y-axis error. You can press "continue" and the MK3 starts printing normal.
The y-carriage moves freely and only bumbs at the end of each own track. I already checked the belt-tention and as that was a bit thight I loosened it a bit. the failure has an easy work-around, but I rather have it solved properly. Normally I start my prints from an other room as where the printer is standing, but now I have to go to the printer to press a button to clear the error.
Who has an idea how to fix this?
Napsal : 25/03/2024 9:04 pm