Upgrade to 3.5 or 3.9
Well, it's time to upgrade, I think. I have a MK3s+ with a MMU3. it is working fine, but I would like to speed it up a bit, and better prints would be nice as well. All I have read says an upgrade to MMK3.5 will do this. So I think I am at least going that far, so my question is, should I go to 3.9 and get the Nextruder as well? Those of you with the 3.9 upgrade, how is it going for you? any issues using the MMU3 with it? I know from a chat with support that I need a parts kit to make the MMU3 compatible with the 3.5, and 3.9. Other than that how is the upgrade?
RE: Upgrade to 3.5 or 3.9
My opinion is that any upgrade is ... well, i won't say waste of money, but rather "not a good idea". Why? You end up with a bunch of parts which are useless and you have no options to use them.
I'd rather buy a new MK4 and sell MK3+. But that's just me...
RE: Upgrade to 3.5 or 3.9
At work I did the upgrade to MK3.9 and while building it together I regretted it because, as Protoncek said you'll be left with so many parts. You'll feel like you could build a new one with that but you can't. I should have bought a new MK4 and then we had two. The price difference is really not that big.
At home I just decided to get the MK3.5S Upgrade. That seems the only one that makes sense to me.
RE: Upgrade to 3.5 or 3.9
Well, now Core one upgrade is on the way (in march) so i wonder, should i buy upgrade or whole printer... it's quite a price difference, but then again...as i said above: you end up with a bunch of useless parts... I guess at the end when/if i sell my old MK4S then price will be similar as i buy just upgrade...
Buying a second printer is not always an option for everyone, especially if you're space constraint. I bought new Mk4's to replace my Mk3S's but for reasons I can't recall 🙂 I upgraded one of them to a Mk3.5. It's awesome. Much faster than the Mk3S, same quality, and—unlike my Mk4S—I don't have to babysit it and hope that the "always perfect" first layer will indeed turn out good. With the 3,5, once live Z is calibrated, it's start it up and walk away. Sure, there's good arguments that these days maybe buying a Core One is a better idea but doing the 3.5 upgrade is not nuts and will get additional life and then some out of your Mk3S.
I didn't see much point in going for the 3.0 upgrade, which is more involved and at that point I might just buy a Mk4 directly.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Upgrade to 3.5 or 3.9
I think you missed "the big question" about upgrading any printer: you end up with tons of useless parts, which are more or less trash. If you buy a whole new printer you can sell old one and you have no "trash". You can't sell a bag of left-over printer parts.. (well, very hard...).
At the end upgrade (for example mk4s to core one) is appr.500€ while new core one is 1000€ (roughly). I bet you can sell old mk4s for 500€. So, price difference is minimal, if at all.
RE: Upgrade to 3.5 or 3.9
I totally get your point. Which I think is valid in most cases. But in this particular case, I think the numbers look more appealing. The Mk3S+ to Mk3.5S upgrade is $249. A new Mk4S is at least $729 as a kit and $999 assembled. Sure, if you find someone who's foolish enough to give you $480 for a used Mk3S today, go for it, by all means. But otherwise, in my eyes the $249 is not unreasonable for something that gives you a very nice upgrade. And I didn't feel I ended up with "a ton" of parts.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Upgrade to 3.5 or 3.9
Agreed. There are some calculations needed regarding “from what to what” to upgrade…