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If I upgrade to 3.5 will I have to change my Revo  

If I upgrade to 3.5 will I have to change my Revo

I'm seriously thinking of getting the 3.5 upgrade, but will i be able to carry on using my revo 6 or will i have to go back to original hotend? If the new board doesn't support the revo I suppose i must. not a big deal breaker as I rarly change the nozzels anyway.

I'm curious to see if the imput shaping works as well, I suppose watching a lot of reviews after they ship then decide.

Publié : 29/04/2023 9:07 pm
Estimable Member
RE: If I upgrade to 3.5 will I have to change my Revo

Not to be facetious, but I wasn't aware the current firmware supported the Revo 😀  This is an upgrade I plan to do on my Revo'd MK3. I would hope at the very most it would just be some gcode to bypass the extra aggressive thermal checking on the hotend, the same that needs to be done now.  The fact that the Revo is otherwise a dropin replacement for the V6 hotend leads me to believe it will work just fine with 3.5.

Publié : 29/04/2023 10:08 pm
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