80 hour tune-up, printer maintenance?
I really love my MK3S to MK3.9 upgrade... After 70 hours of printing, I started having bed adhesion issues so I tried using glue for the troublesome prints. After about 80 hours of printing, I found that a print with a large flat bottom in contact with the bed had issues with the quality of its first layer. While researching I found this post (Bed Adhesion Issues After Upgrade to 3.9 ), which led me to check the belt tensions, which were way too loose. I printed a 75mmX75mmX0.2mm test print before and after adjusting the belts. Now I'm happier with the upgrade...
Maybe everybody should check their belts after 50-60 hours of printing.
My printer is in an enclosure that is left open when I print PLA and left closed when I print PETG. Since the upgrade, I have printed about 50% PLA and 50% PETG. My print statistics are:
X-axis travel 5.3Km
Y-axis travel4.5Km
Z-axis travel 51.8m
Filament 225.9 m
time 3d 10h (82h)
RE: 80 hour tune-up, printer maintenance?
I started a print with PETG and noticed issues again with the first layer. Had to adjust the belt tension again. Hope this does not occur every time I switch filament type.