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Y Motor small knock  

New Member
Y Motor small knock


I have finished to assemble a Prusa I3 Mk2S kit and I'm doing some test prints but I noticed that when the X axis is moving I get a small constant knock, if I move fast I get a higher frequency nock !!!
At first I though it was the X belt to tight then I completely lose it and the noise didn't desapear. So then I realized that the noise came from the Y motor but only when the X axis is moving and the Y is stopped !!!???

At the end if I make a piece with a long part in the X axis I get the frequency of the Y motor nock printed in the part.

I suspect this is not a firmware problem otherwise some one else must have the same problem... so the problem is from the motor or the driver!!!

Best Regards

Napsal : 04/04/2017 6:21 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Y Motor small knock

i don't think it's a driver or motor problem. just check if you got any clearance in the assembly of your y-carriage. check especially the zip ties at the bearings of the y-rods.

but it's difficult to give a diagnose. if you can make a short video clip (including sound) and load it up somewhere, it would be easier to give guidance.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 04/04/2017 10:46 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Y Motor small knock

Hi JeffJordan,

Thx for you reply 😉

About the zips on Y roods, my I3 is the MK2s so it as not zips on those bearings, is a U shaped bolt. The strange is that the vibration and noise came from the Y axis but when it is not moving, and only when X is moving... if I put my finger in the Y belt I can feel it.
It seems that the motor is trying to move but actually it does not have to move because I'm doing G01 X200 F800.

I will try to do a video to post...

João C

Napsal : 05/04/2017 1:36 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Y Motor small knock

after I make some tests I realise that the small knock is because the Y axis is actually moving, but is a so small distance and so fast that is very dificult to see, but is enough to create that vibration.
I only realised that when in Pronterface I moved the X axis totally to the right and keep pushing the button to move it. At that moment we can see the Y axis doing those small increments very fast and moving.
Actually the same applies tho the X axis, if I move the Y to the end and keep trying to movit the X axis will also move.

I bealive this is related to the XY automatic correction, but in my case the calibration ended saying that the XY were perfectly aligned, so why I keeps doing that correction in a way that is making the entire machine to vibrate...

Joao C

Napsal : 05/04/2017 10:59 am
New Member
Re: Y Motor small knock

I have the same problem. It affect both axes, but I guess the heated bed acts as amplifier so it's easier to hear it there. Even made a video about it:

I'd really like to see the calibration values somewhere. I guess it's saying that it's perpendicular, even if there is slight offset. But considering the difference is probably less than 1mm for the length of the whole heated bed, it might make sense to just set the offset as zero.

Napsal : 05/04/2017 11:40 am
New Member
Re: Y Motor small knock

I got the exact same issue , knock/thud when i move the X axis . Did anyone figure it out. I removed the belt off Y motor and can feel it right on the motor casing. I also switched the X and Y connectors on the Rambo board and can't feel it on the other motor when I move the Y axes. When I moved the X Y connectors to it's proper place i couldn't feel the thud until I auto homed and the thud came back again. I'm stumped. My video below.!AuVS251VXjSLgV4O7Q7zLCKVxSny

Napsal : 22/04/2017 12:44 am
New Member
Re: Y Motor small knock

my printer is running since a few hours and i have the same knocking 'problem'.
you found a solution or are you running the printer despite the noises?


Napsal : 18/07/2017 10:00 pm