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Uneven layers and bad top layer  

Active Member
Uneven layers and bad top layer

My MK2s recently started displaying these uneven layers, and also the top layer looks pretty bad.


  • The printer was delivered in June as a kit

  • It gives the "your printer is square, congratulations" message on calibration.

  • 3.0.12 firmware

  • Noctua fan and shrouding

  • E3D hot end silicone thing

  • I have performed a PID tuning.
  • Material
    The material in the image was light grey PLA from PrimaSelect, but its the same phenomenon in other material from other manufaturers, and I've printed successfully in this material before.

    Stock standard Prusa Slic3r 1.35.5 0.20 mm NORMAL setting. (except for added PID values to pre print gcode)
    The live z height is set using this method http://shop.prusa3d.com/forum/prusa-i3-kit-building-calibrating-first-print-main-f6/life-adjust-z-my-way-t2981.html

    Respondido : 14/08/2017 10:10 pm
    Reputable Member
    Re: Uneven layers and bad top layer

    Hi Theodor

    It looks a bit "wet", maybe you have a bit of over extrusion?

    Take look at this page, made wonders for me.


    Respondido : 15/08/2017 9:02 am
    Active Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: Uneven layers and bad top layer

    Tried this out, and I could not see any real over extrusion happening :/

    Actually what I think I have problem with is a partially clogged or broken nozzle. I'm waiting for a replacement and will try that one out.

    Thank you

    Respondido : 17/08/2017 5:20 pm
    Reputable Member
    Re: Uneven layers and bad top layer

    Maybe you can lower your extrusion multiplier in the slicer.
    For some filaments i have 0.95 and some 1.05.


    Respondido : 17/08/2017 6:42 pm
    New Member
    Re: Uneven layers and bad top layer

    I have exactly the same problem with Devil Design 1,75 mm PLA Startpack 6*0,33kg. Did nozzle replacement help?

    Tried this out, and I could not see any real over extrusion happening :/

    Actually what I think I have problem with is a partially clogged or broken nozzle. I'm waiting for a replacement and will try that one out.

    Thank you

    Respondido : 31/01/2018 6:06 pm
    Noble Member
    Re: Uneven layers and bad top layer

    Second over extrusion. As already suggested try to lower the multiplier in 2 or 3 percent steps and check the results.
    Other options to try is:
    -> lower the print speed
    -> lower the temperature

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    Respondido : 02/02/2018 7:08 pm