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Replacement Extruder  

Active Member
Replacement Extruder

Hello Everyone,

I have had several issues with the E3D V6 include with the kit, some were my fault entirely and others were just unlucky. Regardless, the most recent issue is that the thermistor is not sensing the temperature of the heater block correctly. Additionally, I am having Prusa PET leak from around the nozzle & heatbreak. I am not sure if this is a firmware issue at all, but I would not be opposed to buying a brand new E3D V6, as I feel I have learned a few lessons and would like to start fresh with an undamaged piece.

However, I can't find any documentation on what model specifically the included hotend is. I assume it is a 12V (I'm from the US), and I could buy one from Filastruder, but would prefer to have just a replacement of the one that came with it. It seems I can't just buy one on the store without buying the upgrade kit. Any help is appreciated.


Publié : 29/07/2016 3:29 am
Membre Moderator
Re: Replacement Extruder

You want the 12v 1.75mm version. I ordered one from Filastruder a couple weeks ago for a different printer and it comes with the new heat block and thermistor. I'm not entirely sure if it will be a drop in replacement for the original since the new heat block is a little bigger. I'm not sure if the printed parts for the part fan or extruder housing need to be redone.

Publié : 29/07/2016 3:42 am
Eminent Member
Re: Replacement Extruder

Hi Benjamin,

I literally just went through exactly what your going through. I wasted a ton of money and time trying to figure everything out on my own, but here is everything I found out. As Richard said the new heater-block a slightly longer, however I was able to get everything assembled in my MK2 with no real issues.

1. If you want to buy a whole new hotend here is the link from e3d. I recommend buying it directly from them. I live in the US (Hawaii) and the British pound is cheap compared to US dollars and e3d ships super fast.
Full E3d V6 Hotend (12v)

2. E3D just changed their thermistor to a thermistor cartridge. To use the new thermistor you will need a new heatblock, so you might as well buy the new version thermistor and heat-block. The thermistor cartridge is much better and easier to replace than the old thermistor.
New V6 Heater Block:
New V6 Thermistor Cartridge (

E3D will send you everything you need to change out your thermistor and heat-block so you dont have to worry about ordering anything else.

3. The most likely reason you are getting a PET leak is you didn't properly seal the nozzle. When you screw the nozzle to the heat-block you hand tighten it till its flush, THEN YOU UNSCREW IT 1/2-3/4 of a TURN. After unscrewing the nozzle half a turn, screw in the heat-break (The long silver tube) into the heater-block so its flush with the heater-block, and it should be hitting up against the nozzle. Then you gently tighten the nozzle back down. FINALLY TIGHTEN the nozzle down with a spanner while the heater-block is HOT. Tightening down the nozzle while the heater-block is hot is what seals the nozzle in from leaks. When the heater-block cools down it will shrink and tighten down on the nozzle.
Here is the E3D assembly instructions:

4. Finally, if you are not sure on something you can call E3D or email them. They are very quick to answer the phone and emails.

P.S. I recommend buying a couple extra thermistor cartridge's, heat-breaks, nozzles and heater-blocks in case you have further issues.

I hope this helps you.


Publié : 29/07/2016 3:57 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Replacement Extruder

Hi Benjamin,

I literally just went through exactly what your going through. I wasted a ton of money and time trying to figure everything out on my own, but here is everything I found out. As Richard said the new heater-block a slightly longer, however I was able to get everything assembled in my MK2 with no real issues.

1. If you want to buy a whole new hotend here is the link from e3d. I recommend buying it directly from them. I live in the US (Hawaii) and the British pound is cheap compared to US dollars and e3d ships super fast.
Full E3d V6 Hotend (12v)

2. E3D just changed their thermistor to a thermistor cartridge. To use the new thermistor you will need a new heatblock, so you might as well buy the new version thermistor and heat-block. The thermistor cartridge is much better and easier to replace than the old thermistor.
New V6 Heater Block:
New V6 Thermistor Cartridge (

E3D will send you everything you need to change out your thermistor and heat-block so you dont have to worry about ordering anything else.

3. The most likely reason you are getting a PET leak is you didn't properly seal the nozzle. When you screw the nozzle to the heat-block you hand tighten it till its flush, THEN YOU UNSCREW IT 1/2-3/4 of a TURN. After unscrewing the nozzle half a turn, screw in the heat-break (The long silver tube) into the heater-block so its flush with the heater-block, and it should be hitting up against the nozzle. Then you gently tighten the nozzle back down. FINALLY TIGHTEN the nozzle down with a spanner while the heater-block is HOT. Tightening down the nozzle while the heater-block is hot is what seals the nozzle in from leaks. When the heater-block cools down it will shrink and tighten down on the nozzle.
Here is the E3D assembly instructions:

4. Finally, if you are not sure on something you can call E3D or email them. They are very quick to answer the phone and emails.

P.S. I recommend buying a couple extra thermistor cartridge's, heat-breaks, nozzles and heater-blocks in case you have further issues.

I hope this helps you.


Thank you!!! I saw on Filastruder that they were shipping the new style heater block, so can I expect the ones from E3D to be the new style as well?

Publié : 29/07/2016 3:27 pm
Membre Moderator
Re: Replacement Extruder

Thank you!!! I saw on Filastruder that they were shipping the new style heater block, so can I expect the ones from E3D to be the new style as well?


Publié : 29/07/2016 3:45 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Replacement Extruder

Will I need to purchase the Amplifier As well, along with the pt100 sensor and the heater block? also, which heating element do i need to buy?

Publié : 31/07/2016 9:34 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Replacement Extruder


You need to thermistor and not thermocouple.

The thermistor comes with the kit and is fine up to temps of 300 degrees. The thermocouple which requires hte amplifies and some firmware mods is for temps over 300.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 31/07/2016 10:36 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Replacement Extruder

Will I need to purchase the Amplifier As well, along with the pt100 sensor and the heater block? also, which heating element do i need to buy?
Don't buy the pt100 sensor. Buy the thermistor.

Publié : 01/08/2016 1:00 am
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