Replaced PINDA Probe with NPN NO LJ12A3-4-Z/BX-5V but calibration does not work
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Replaced PINDA Probe with NPN NO LJ12A3-4-Z/BX-5V but calibration does not work  

Jonathan Larsen
Active Member
Replaced PINDA Probe with NPN NO LJ12A3-4-Z/BX-5V but calibration does not work

Hi everyone, I am running into an issue with the replaced sensor, NPN NO LJ12A3-4-Z/BX-5V, and it will not pass XYZ calibration. There was a point in time that during the first 4 points it searches for in the calibration process, it would pass the first one but not the second. This has changed and no it does not even pass the first point.

Since this probe is NO, the LED only comes on when triggered. I've modified the firmware to invert the z endstop. I've also made other modifications that I will mention later, but the i've only made changes to the configuration files, nothing else. Just changed offset settings for the probe.

What happens when it's probing? Well it does find the point and the LED flashes on and off as it passes by it. The printer even recognizes that does the 'focusing' part of the calibration process. However after it's done, it says it's failed XYZ calibration.

Testing the endstop, they all show 0 in the menu and when triggered change to 1.

I'm super puzzled by the fact that it finds the point but still fails.

Here are the changes I made:

min_software_endstops false //default is true
[X,Y,Z]_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER [-30,-25,-12.35] //Here I only changed X and Y, I left Z alone.

Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true //default is false. set to true do to have a Normally Open Inductive Sensor (NO)
X_PROBE_OFFEST_FROM_EXTRUDER 30 //Default was 25. **I left Y and Z alone

Finally your biggest question will be, Why did you change? Why do this? Well I decided to buy Buildtak's Flexplate system. There is a magnetic base + metal sheet, on the metal sheet you add buildtak surfaces. So my bed level increased in height by a few millimeters and the pinda probe no longer could detect the copper points on the heatbed. The magnetic base had/has a sticky side to mount to your base/heatbed/buildplate. So since that magnetic base added a bit of Z height, I needed the better sensor. I hope I've explained this well.

Any help in the matter would be greatly appreciated! I've order NPN NC and PNP NC detectors to see if a Normally Closed Detector will work over the NPN NO detector that is on there now. However I don't see why the NPN NO couldn't work since I've set it's invert to true.

Thank you for reading this, I look forward to replies!

Respondido : 18/03/2017 6:15 pm