Prusa Slicer for Multi user
Hi, we purchase a XL 2 heads for our compagnie (very exited to received it). I am a mk3.5s user at Home since the mk3s came out.
I will be resposable for the integration of the tool in our work flow. I am wondering how should I start the profile to be shared to all but not corupted by all ;oP .
At home i do one profile on the network and put the argument to have it load on my 2 pc I use to slice. That work great for me. But I am the sole user...
Should I just keep a saved profile clean with all the Filament calibration and tweaks and have the user import them in there own user profile or use the nework approche?
what are your experiance having an XL with multiple user ?
Thanks in advance for your thought! 👍
RE: Prusa Slicer for Multi user
There are a few ways you can do this. If you want to preserve your master an not allow any random user to change them there are two ways that I can think of doing this:
- As you suggest, have a master Config Bundle that you've exported from your main slicer. The users are to import that Config Bundle when they first setup PrusaSlicer, if they've messed up their copy of the settings from the Config Bundle, and when you make updates to the Config Bundle and you let them know a new version is available.
- Figure out how Prusa organizes their settings repositories and emulate that for the users to load in the setup wizard. (AFAIK any setting loaded in this method will be write-protected like the original Prusa settings are.)
If you can trust your users not to mess up settings profiles (I do this to access the same settings across multiple computers) is to copy the settings from the settings folder to some sort of network storage (NAS for local network, cloud service for access anywhere), and then on each computer replace each of the settings folders with a link to the networked folders. This can be complicated to set up, and can probably fail spectacularly.
See my (limited) designs on:
Printables -
Thingiverse -
On linux, I assume something similar would work for other OS's, symlink the .config/PrusaSlicer directory to somewhere convenient on the network and take backup copies of the files you want to protect, write a repair script to write them back if you want a quick repair option or set suitable write permissions if you want to freeze them for (some) users.
RE: Prusa Slicer for Multi user
Hey thanks @sembazuru and @diem ,
Nice food for thought! We Just Receive the printer today (I have to wait until Friday to assemble it so all collegues involve can be there ;OP )
I will start with sharing with 2 users and see how they like... I will offer a folder with the latest so they can import and then use there own I thing maybe I will see how the file can be saved on the one drive so theres easy backup for the user...