Question RE: Gcode, derived from Octoprint Testing
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Question RE: Gcode, derived from Octoprint Testing  

Eminent Member
Question RE: Gcode, derived from Octoprint Testing

Hi All,

Newbie question... If I prepare gcode using Prusa Control (which is a fantastically easy tool that I love dearly) and push it to my printer via Octoprint, the gcode by definition carries all the various settings and junk like that with it. Right? Like slicing is already done, etc.

So does it matter what my profile is in Octoprint? I mean, it shouldn't, right?

So if I want to throw a spool of ABS on there, I can send all the tuning for a given print, right in the gcode and not worry what Cura slicer profile was loaded into Octoprint...

Maybe I'm way off, and that's cool. Just looking for a reading from the wise owls. I have lots to learn about the entire system architecturally, so I appreciate the hand up if you know the answer.


Postato : 28/06/2017 10:04 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Question RE: Gcode, derived from Octoprint Testing

Octoprint has a built-in slicer program that is Cura.

You simply do not need to use it (but you could if you set it up) when you are slicing the model using your preferred (and much better) slicer that is Slic3r (even though it's via Prusa Control).

There are some things you will want to set in Octoprint (bed size etc and communications) but nothing print-specific.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Postato : 28/06/2017 10:38 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Question RE: Gcode, derived from Octoprint Testing

Awesome. Thanks for the swift reply!


Postato : 29/06/2017 4:30 am