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New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...  

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Eminent Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

Uh, how do you know if you have a "first" MK2?

Preorder + impossible to flash the 3.0.8 firmeware should give you a hint 😉

Veröffentlicht : 03/09/2016 6:31 pm
Eminent Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

So I flashed my MK2 from 3.0.7 to 3.0.8. Flash took (as always) less than a minute.

I have a minor issue, when I restart the printer (turn it off then on), I am greeted wit the following message:

Printer has not been calibrated yet.
Please follow the manual, chapter
First steps, section Calibration flow.

Now I have ran the Selftest, Calibrate XYZ and Calibrate Z. However, I did ran all of my tests after I preheated to PET temp's (240 / 90).

EDIT: I realized the cause behind the message, which was that the Z Calibration (V2Calibration w/ Live Adjust) had to be redone. This was not a problem. However, even after going through all the calibration steps, the calibrated Z-height would not hold after the printer was restarted. Once I switched back to 3.0.7 and re-did the Z Calibration, the printer displays no message after being turned on, just the main info screen.

Assembled MK2.

Veröffentlicht : 04/09/2016 12:12 am
Honorable Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

Upgraded to 3.08 firmware today. No issues or problems. My kit was a MK1 upgraded to a MK2. Printed 0.1mm tail fin from Chaos Core Tech.....

Planet Express Ship from Futurerama.

Perfect print.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Veröffentlicht : 04/09/2016 3:57 am
Vojtěch Bubník
Mitglied Admin
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

> I realized the cause behind the message, which was that the Z Calibration (V2Calibration w/ Live Adjust) had to be redone. This was not a problem. However, even after going through all the calibration steps, the calibrated Z-height would not hold after the printer was restarted.

So you performed the V2Calibration with Live Adjust on the 3.0.8 firmware. After another restart of the printer with the 3.0.8 firmware, did you get the "Printer has not been calibrated yet" message? I think you did not, as the V2Calibration G-code resets this flag by issuing a Prusa specific G-code G87. If you still received the "Printer has not been calibrated yet" message, then you still use some obsoleted V2Calibration G-code and you should get the latest one from

Also please note, that the Live Adjust value is being written into the non-volatile memory at the instant the Live Adjust dialog is left either by clicking the rotary button, or by time-outing the Live Adjust dialog. If you pressed reset before the Live Adjust dialog was left, the value was not written into the non-volatile memory. The reason for this behavior is, the EEPROM memory has quite limited number of writes before it goes bad.


Veröffentlicht : 04/09/2016 8:17 am
Linux User Group Oberschwaben
Estimable Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

> Would you suggest flashing upwards slowly from 3.0.3/6/7/8 or go straight to 3.0.7 then 3.0.8?

What I am trying to say is, that with the first MK2s, you may have a problem to flash 3.0.8, but you should be fine flashing 3.0.7. With the first MK2s due to the bug in the communication chip firmware, you may not be able to flash the 3.0.8 at all, but 3.0.7 shall work.

You should definitely try 3.0.8. If that does not work, try 3.0.7, that shall work in all cases.


If we are affected by that bug, what will PR do to fix it ? After all this is a hardware bug and falls under warranty.

Does it help to try to flash it more times so it can succeed at some point or is that pointless?

Why do some updates work and others not ?

Also what would first Mk2 mean time wise? I got mine at the beginning of August....


Veröffentlicht : 05/09/2016 12:22 am
Eminent Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

> I realized the cause behind the message, which was that the Z Calibration (V2Calibration w/ Live Adjust) had to be redone. This was not a problem. However, even after going through all the calibration steps, the calibrated Z-height would not hold after the printer was restarted.

So you performed the V2Calibration with Live Adjust on the 3.0.8 firmware. After another restart of the printer with the 3.0.8 firmware, did you get the "Printer has not been calibrated yet" message? I think you did not, as the V2Calibration G-code resets this flag by issuing a Prusa specific G-code G87. If you still received the "Printer has not been calibrated yet" message, then you still use some obsoleted V2Calibration G-code and you should get the latest one from

Also please note, that the Live Adjust value is being written into the non-volatile memory at the instant the Live Adjust dialog is left either by clicking the rotary button, or by time-outing the Live Adjust dialog. If you pressed reset before the Live Adjust dialog was left, the value was not written into the non-volatile memory. The reason for this behavior is, the EEPROM memory has quite limited number of writes before it goes bad.

Thank you for addressing my issue Vojtech B., as well as explaining the basic function behind the Live Adjust operation.

To follow-up:

1. Re-downloaded the V2Calibration.gcode.
2. Edited V2Calibration.gcode for PETG temperatures, saved as PETG_V2Calibraion.gcode - used Notepad++.
3. Flashed from 3.0.7 to 3.0.8 (again).
4. Shut down and restarted the printer to see if any messages would appear or Live Adjust value (-0.535 mm) was holding - no messages and confirmed that value was holding.
5. Ran 'Calibrate XYZ' routine.
6. Shut down and restarted the printer to see if any message would appear Live Adjust value (-0.535 mm) was holding - no messages appeared and value was reset to 0.000 mm.
7. Ran PETG_V2Calibration.gcode from SD card, setting new Live Adjust value of -0.540 mm.
8. Shut down and restarted the machine - no messages, just the main info screen.

No problems with FW 3.0.8. 🙂

Assembled MK2.

Veröffentlicht : 05/09/2016 3:20 am
Josef Průša
Mitglied Admin
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

New builds are online, just redownload from the drivers page and flash. They should remove all the problems with flashing.

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Veröffentlicht : 05/09/2016 6:27 pm
Eminent Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

Hi Josef,
Did you speak with vojtěch.b3 ?
I PMed him about my finding on the 32u2 but no news for the moment.
I can transfer you the PM if you want.

Veröffentlicht : 05/09/2016 7:14 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

New builds are online, just redownload from the drivers page and flash. They should remove all the problems with flashing.
It worked. Calibrating on 3.0.8 now. 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 05/09/2016 7:32 pm
Reputable Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

I must be misunderstanding it but has Josef just said that there will not be any problems with the new firmware (as in loading it)? So the usb problem has been completely sorted?
I really want to update but I am sooo clinging on to my 3.0.3 as it works well.

Veröffentlicht : 05/09/2016 8:09 pm
Mitglied Moderator
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...


I'll try the new 3.0.8 as far as I'm near my printer (I have the upload issue too).

Just curious, how the issue have been fixed ?

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Veröffentlicht : 08/09/2016 3:09 pm
Reputable Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

New builds are online, just redownload from the drivers page and flash. They should remove all the problems with flashing.

I installed 1.7.4 drivers, downloaded 3.0.8 fw today, however it still doesn't install. I can go back to 3.0.7 though. Now I get an annoying message when attempting to print telling me to upgrade to 3.0.8. What's going on with the fix for the initial mk2 printers? Has anyone with one of the initial ones been able to install 3.0.8?

Veröffentlicht : 10/09/2016 4:07 am
Mitglied Moderator
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...


so I've installed the new 3.0.8. It installed fine, but not on first attempt. There was a timeout so I had to wait a bit to be sure, then disconnect the USB to delete the virtual COM port, replug it, and this time it worked. So regarding the fix for the USB bug it's a mixed result.

For the record, the 3.0.7 upgraded at first attempt, however one attempt is probably not enough regarding statistics 🙂

I'm printing the new Triceratops Skull right now 🙂

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Veröffentlicht : 10/09/2016 10:21 am
Eminent Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...


If you installed 1.7.4 drivers the startcode will contain this line of code to check if your printer has the latest firmware installed.

"M115 U3.0.8 ; tell printer latest fw version"

If your printer has 3.0.7 installed you can edit the line to

"M115 U3.0.7 ; tell printer your fw version"

and the annoying message should disappear.

You find it in slic3r -> printer settings -> custom G-code -> StartG-code

Veröffentlicht : 10/09/2016 2:53 pm
Reputable Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

How long did it take to get the timeout? Did you get a specific timeout message? I waited 15 minutes and see the squares on the lcd but no timeout message. I disconnect usb and try again but same issue remains. How did Triceratops Skull come out?

so I've installed the new 3.0.8. It installed fine, but not on first attempt. There was a timeout so I had to wait a bit to be sure, then disconnect the USB to delete the virtual COM port, replug it, and this time it worked. So regarding the fix for the USB bug it's a mixed result.

For the record, the 3.0.7 upgraded at first attempt, however one attempt is probably not enough regarding statistics 🙂

I'm printing the new Triceratops Skull right now 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 11/09/2016 4:48 am
Reputable Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

That is good indeed but I really want to update the firmware rather than ignore the message. It's a nice reminder for me not to give up even though it is frustrating. 🙂

If you installed 1.7.4 drivers the startcode will contain this line of code to check if your printer has the latest firmware installed.

"M115 U3.0.8 ; tell printer latest fw version"

If your printer has 3.0.7 installed you can edit the line to

"M115 U3.0.7 ; tell printer your fw version"

and the annoying message should disappear.

You find it in slic3r -> printer settings -> custom G-code -> StartG-code

Veröffentlicht : 11/09/2016 4:49 am
Reputable Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

Well, I went back to 3.0.7, then tried 3.0.8 the same as always and it worked this time! A miracle! Thanks.

Veröffentlicht : 11/09/2016 4:55 am
Vojtěch Bubník
Mitglied Admin
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

We have an avrdude application (the firmware uploader low level application on the PC side) patched to work around the bug in the communication chip firmware of the early MK2s shipped, which makes the firmware upload unreliable. So with the next drivers package, the firmware upload will be reliable on all printers. As of today, the firmware upload is sensitive to some patterns in the firmware binary image and with some patterns the probability of a fail is higher. Our updated avrdude fixes the upload problem by sending the offending blocks of the firmware twice, writing the low nibbles of the offending characters (low four bits) first, then the high nibbles in the next block. This workaround would not be possible, if the standard bootloader implementation from Atmel was written neatly. Thanks Atmel, I am patching our bug by utilizing the bug of Atmel 🙂 The modified firmware uploader application avrdude works reliably with all MK2s released, as far as I can judge.


Veröffentlicht : 11/09/2016 8:29 am
Eminent Member
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

So the fix is on the firmware updater. It's a workaround, at best.
What about the people who want to customize the firmware and upload it via the arduino ide ? Or, like I see on an other topic here, someone who use the avrdude cli directly on his raspi witch octoprint ?
As only the erlier MK2 have the bug, you obviously found a way to fix the usb firmware in the new ones.
Is it not a cleaner solution to find an easy way to flash the usb firmware (maybe with DFU) and make the few concerned people do that ?
I know it's lot more complicated and maybe more time consuming, but having your own version of avrdude especially for the earlier MK2 seems to be overkill and risky for the one who will use the standard one (my extruder have melted because of this bug).

As I already flash the usb firmware on my printer, I'm willing to help find the best solution.
As requested in PM, can you release the usb-firmware that is currently used on the newest MK2 ? (the github is not up-to-date : )

Veröffentlicht : 11/09/2016 12:27 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Mitglied Admin
Re: New: 3.0.8 Firmware released...

For the early birds and for Linux users, here is the patched avrdude:

We will add the OSX binary soon. We will also release the Windows driver package with the firmware updater updated with the patched avrdude. For OSX, we will release the updated firmware updater application.

> So the fix is on the firmware updater. It's a workaround, at best.

It is a working workaround.

> What about the people who want to customize the firmware and upload it via the arduino ide ?

You can replace the avrdude inside the Arduino with the patched version.

> Or, like I see on an other topic here, someone who use the avrdude cli directly on his raspi witch octoprint ?

I think you can replace the avrdude on OctoPI as well, but I don't think this is worth the effort.


Veröffentlicht : 12/09/2016 10:11 am
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