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MK3 coming!  

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Eminent Member
MK3 coming!

wow MK3 is coming!

Doesn't look like you can upgrade from Mk2 though 😥

Publié : 23/09/2017 8:14 pm
Reputable Member
Re: MK3 coming!

2.5 does have some sweet upgrades though.
$99 USD for those who preorder within 30 days of their order of MK2S
$149 USD for any MK2S owner forever
$199 USD for all other MK2

What you get is...

  • Magnetic MK52 Heatbed with powder coated PEI spring steel print sheet 12v

  • Bondtech extruder gears

  • Filament Sensor

  • P.I.N.D.A 2 with thermistor

  • Noctua fan 12v

  • 200g EasyABS filament
  • Find out details here.
    I do not work for Prusa Research, I just found out and am a little irritated but appreciate the discounts and resolution of most of my disappointments with MK2S.

    MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

    Publié : 23/09/2017 8:22 pm
    Trusted Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    I'm currently on back-order for the upgrade of my MK2 to MK2S and multi material at the same time. I'm not sure what to do, will the MK2 Multimaterial be compatible with the MK2.5, should I cancel it?

    MK3 seems nice but I don't see myself buying a full new one. Anyway the bed and pinda issues with temperatures were the most annoying to me so I think MK2.5 will do just fine.

    Thank you Josef and team for the nice upgrade, really exciting stuff!

    Publié : 23/09/2017 11:27 pm
    New Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    I have a few questions...

    Does anyone know if the MK2S -> MK2.5 discount applies to people who bought the MK2 -> MK2S upgrade?
    Will the MK2.5 upgrade work with the multi material upgrade?

    Publié : 23/09/2017 11:41 pm
    Membre Moderator
    Re: MK3 coming!

    now the whole thing with the p.i.n.d.a. temperature calibration makes sense.

    dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

    Publié : 24/09/2017 1:03 am
    Reputable Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    Ooooh, juicy story there Jeff?

    MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

    Publié : 24/09/2017 1:25 am
    Membre Moderator
    Re: MK3 coming!

    Ooooh, juicy story there Jeff?
    only the fact, that the actually implemented temperature calibration for the p.i.n.d.a. probe is a little bit ridiculous, because the printer couldn't know the real temperature of the probe.... -> at the mk2(s) there is no temperature sensor for the probe.
    now have a look at the new p.i.n.d.a. 2 :mrgreen:

    dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

    Publié : 24/09/2017 1:45 am
    Reputable Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    They should have had a soft recall and offered replacement for shipping cost. 👿

    MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

    Publié : 24/09/2017 1:56 am
    Noble Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    They should have had a soft recall and offered replacement for shipping cost. 👿


    Do car dealers offer you a free new car when the new model comes out?

    Do you get a free new phone when a new model comes out?

    I got the MK2 one week before the MK2S came out. I AM very happy with my MK2. I have selectively upgraded it to MK2S where I cared. I am got exactly what I purchased, and am very pleased with it. I don't think Prusa needs to upgrade me from what I purchased for only "shipping costs".

    I would however like just the PINDA and Bed as an upgrade package. Since I have an MMU, the gears and filament sensor would not work for me.

    Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

    Publié : 24/09/2017 2:56 am
    Estimable Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    They should have had a soft recall and offered replacement for shipping cost. 👿


    Do car dealers offer you a free new car when the new model comes out?

    Do you get a free new phone when a new model comes out?

    I got the MK2 one week before the MK2S came out. I AM very happy with my MK2. I have selectively upgraded it to MK2S where I cared. I am got exactly what I purchased, and am very pleased with it. I don't think Prusa needs to upgrade me from what I purchased for only "shipping costs".

    I would however like just the PINDA and Bed as an upgrade package. Since I have an MMU, the gears and filament sensor would not work for me.

    Well said aaron.s5 , I agree, I bought my MK2 when it first came out and the MK2s kit when it came out as well because I wanted the upgrades that they offered.
    if dont want or need the mk2.5 or mk3 upgrades then don't get them the MK2 is a great machine the rest is just a bonus to me 🙂

    See my stuff at

    Publié : 24/09/2017 3:12 am
    Active Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    Would appreciate if we could at least swap the Extruder assembly with the double filament gears, new vent design and... Pinda2

    Publié : 24/09/2017 3:23 am
    Reputable Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    You misunderstand, I meant just the PINDA 2 kit. I think that would have been a nice gesture considering the part was $8.00 USD, maybe the new one is a couple bucks more but for the guys having serious problems with Z creep and need to reset XYZ practically every print, I'm pretty sure they would have appreciated a replacement system that I believe MK2 series should have shipped with in the first place. If your unit is buggy and you're OK with it, you're an idiot. If you got a great running unit with little to no need to correct Live-Z for weeks at a time, know many of us on this forum aren't as fortunate and some of us have soured to the Prusa Research brand for it.

    MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

    Publié : 24/09/2017 3:49 am
    Trusted Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    I just wish Prusa didn't charge my credit card at order time instead of shipping time like most companies do. Paying $1000+ for something that may ship in November at best is tough to swallow. For the MK2 I waited 2 months, for the MMU 7 months and there were people that waited even longer. At this point I don't think Prusa Research is in such a tight spot that they have to charge immediately in order to secure parts.

    Publié : 24/09/2017 3:50 am
    Estimable Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    Do car dealers offer you a free new car when the new model comes out?
    Do you get a free new phone when a new model comes out?
    I got the MK2 one week before the MK2S came out. I AM very happy with my MK2. I have selectively upgraded it to MK2S where I cared. I am got exactly what I purchased, and am very pleased with it. I don't think Prusa needs to upgrade me from what I purchased for only "shipping costs".
    I would however like just the PINDA and Bed as an upgrade package. Since I have an MMU, the gears and filament sensor would not work for me.

    - Actually last time I bought a car, I asked the sales guy, when is the new model coming out, he told me 3 months. I said, ok lets order that
    - We pretty much know when every phone is coming out so it really isn't a surprise not to mention prices drop quite a while before new launches.
    - You got your MK2 a week before MK2S came out but you were able to upgrade to the MK2S, free or at the price for parts.

    Try to understand other peoples point of view, I'm not a professional, want to get into 3D printing as a hobby. It's not a cheap investment. I could have went with a cheap Chinese clone but did a lot of research and Prusa had several selling points, better and safer quality, upgradability. Those were two selling points that helped me justify the cost of the printer. So I ordered an MK2S on in April 2017. It arrived (5 months later) yesterday evening. I opened it this morning and started assembling the Y carriage. Found the images in the book a little small so I went to the Pursa website to check the online manual and there is an MK3. So I waited 5 months, haven't even fully assembled the printer, it's $100 cheaper then what I paid for it, and I can't even upgrade to it to an MK3. Based on that, I'd say odds are pretty good you'd be full of .... if you said you didn't feel a little more than upset.

    Now even though I haven't used it, I know the MK2s is a good printer based on the reviews I read. And it's also cool that they have an MK2S to 2.5 upgrade to make people who have owned an MK2s upgrade their printer. Don't you think based on my experience, I and other people in a similar situation would be pretty upset. I was pissed when I saw the MK3. First thing that came to mind was, why wouldn't you wait 3 more @#$! days until the announcement and then give me the opportunity to pay the difference and wait for an MK3. Personally, considering I haven't opened any of the electronics, I emailed them to see if I can return it for a refund which will still put me out shipping it back and the duties I paid.

    Publié : 24/09/2017 5:26 am
    Estimable Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    Hot damn, extrusions!!!

    Publié : 24/09/2017 5:35 am
    New Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    Will it be possible to upgrade the MK2S frame to the new, extruded frame?

    Publié : 24/09/2017 9:17 am
    Veteran Member Moderator
    Re: MK3 coming!

    Extruded frame kit is not available at the moment for Mk2 upgrade...

    I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

    Publié : 24/09/2017 10:13 am
    Trusted Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    Would appreciate if we could at least swap the Extruder assembly with the double filament gears, new vent design and... Pinda2

    That is the MK2.5 upgrade: MK2/S to MK2.5

    Regarding the extruded frame upgrade, it will require to change the steel frame also, so they said that it will basically change everything and in this case go with the full kit, you can always sell your MK2 and the upgrade will not come that expensive I guess. Some people already converted to extruded frame before, Search for Prusa MK2 2020, or this one seems nice, if you really want it: Prusa i3 MK2-X

    Publié : 24/09/2017 12:18 pm
    Active Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    That is the MK2.5 upgrade: MK2/S to MK2.5

    I'd supposed it be cheaper without the heavy sheet metal for the bed, so an extruder only upgrade kit would be great. I supposed just the new PINDA sensor can help some people as well.

    Publié : 24/09/2017 5:25 pm
    New Member
    Re: MK3 coming!

    Thanks julien.k for the MK2-X tip, the extrusion frame is very attractive to me as I don't like the threaded rod construction. This feature alone almost sent me down the Creality CR-10 path. But ultimately Josef's history of supporting existing customers with upgrades played a big role in my decision to get his MK2S.

    I saw the MK3 news only hours after making my first print on my new MK2S kit and must admit to feeling a little sick about it. Now seeing the estimated Nov ship date, I'm feeling a little better...I don't think I could have waited that long anyway. In the end, I can't really fault PRUSA for their handling of the transition. They've made a decent upgrade offer for those of us who ordered just before the announcement.

    Between the MK2.5 upgrade and a DYI extrusion frame, I'll get close to the MK3. I would have enjoyed the easy connection for OctoPrint since that's also on my wishlist but its still possible with my MK2S.


    Publié : 24/09/2017 5:27 pm
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