Mk2 won't calibrate anymore "Consult Manual"
Formerly healthy Mk2 now won't complete calibration. I'm looking for ideas on what to check next, particularly any ideas on how to verify that I don't have a component failure that isn't getting picked up by the self test. Appreciate any ideas on what the issue is or what steps I should take next to debug this.
Here's all the info I can pull together:
Self test OK
XYZ calibration:
Y distance from min:
Left: N/A
Center: N/A
Right: N/A
Measured skew: N/A
Noted PINDA probe light is on during calibration
I think the initial firmware I loaded during assembly was 3.0.10
Initial calibration with no misalignment
Printed flawlessly for the first ~24 hours of printing
Found y axis had been misaligned and caused belt rubbing. Replaced belt and fixed misalignment
Upgraded to 3.0.11
Noted scraping noise on x axis in the bearings
Began failing prints, usually due to missed steps on x axis but sometimes due to missed steps on y axis
Switched to high power mode
Lubricated x axis rails and idler pulley with silicone spray
Reduced print speed and acceleration by 50%
Printed ok for ~24 hrs of printing
Began failing prints again
First layer height became uneven
Found scratches on the print bed
Attempted to recalibrate
Failed calibration "consult manual"
Noticed PINDA probe retention nut was loose, tightened it
Checked axis alignment visually and with an INCRA square
Checked axis movement
Looked for signs of belt rubbing
Lowered PINDA probe slightly
Sometimes gets to 1 of 9 calibration points but usually fails after completing the first 4 points
Flashed 3.0.12-RC2
Failed calibration "consult manual"
Flashed 3.0.12
Failed calibration "consult manual"
Flashed 3.0.10
Failed calibration "consult manual"
Flashed 3.0.12
Failed calibration "consult manual"
Noted some y axis bearing scraping noise
Do not see any loose fasteners or signs of belt rubbing
Lubricated y axis bearings and idler with silicone spray
Still fails calibration
Re: Mk2 won't calibrate anymore "Consult Manual"
It sounds like the PINDA probe is too high. It should be <1mm higher than the nozzle tip. 0.6mm (about the thickness of a credit card) should be close enough to trigger, but hi enough not to catch on the print.
Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…
Re: Mk2 won't calibrate anymore "Consult Manual"
Thanks for the suggestion. I lowered the probe in several increments and retried XYZ cal until now it's even with the nozzle tip. Still getting the same result though.
Re: Mk2 won't calibrate anymore "Consult Manual"
During the calibration, is it searching in the correct area? (above the circle)?
Is the PINDA light on? Does it ever click off?
Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…
Re: Mk2 won't calibrate anymore "Consult Manual"
The printer seems to be going to all the correct spots on the print bed, and the PINDA probe seems to be working. For example if I tell it to auto-home, it has no problem finding the Z axis position.
Yes the PINDA light is on, and blinks off occasionally during the cal process.
Re: Mk2 won't calibrate anymore "Consult Manual"
I am grasping at straws, but when you only have straws, you grab them.
Try rolling back to an older version of the firmware. The calibration process changed a lot in .12, and see if the older version works for you. That might help pinpoint the issue.
Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…
Re: Mk2 won't calibrate anymore "Consult Manual"
I was initially on 0.11 when I started having failed prints, and then updated to 0.12 to try to fix the subsequent failed re-calibration attempt (see my troubleshooting log in my original post). I also rolled back as far as 0.10 with no luck, and before the issues started I previously had a decent run of prints on 0.10 without issues.
My working theory is that I'm still skipping steps on either the x axis, the y axis, or both. But I don't know how to verify whether that's happening, or if that's a likely cause of failed calibration with the "consult manual" output.
Is there a way to dig farther into where in the calibration function's state machine things are going wrong?
Maybe some way to get verbose output via the USB link?
Do I need to start hacking the firmware?
If I have an X axis rail misalignment causing excessive drag, is there any way to fix it?
Why would something have changed over ~5 days of operation?
Could the bearings have gone bad in that short of a time?
Re: Mk2 won't calibrate anymore "Consult Manual"
Do the calibration from pronterface with M45 V2 and then paste the results
Re: Mk2 won't calibrate anymore "Consult Manual"
Here's the Pronterface output. Failed "consult manual" after 3rd iteration of 4 point calibration.
>>>M45 V2
Iteration: 1
correction angles: 0.08199, 0.14318
X vector, adjusted: 1.00000, -0.00143
Y vector, adjusted: 0.00250, 1.00000
center, adjusted: -1.02897, 0.39039
Difference after correction:
point #0measured: (113.34000, -1.46000); measured-corrected: (112.96574, -1.77275); target: (114.00000, -2.00000), error: 0.49
point #1measured: (213.36000, 96.10000); measured-corrected: (214.21037, 96.08267); target: (215.00000, 96.00000), error: 0.85
point #2measured: (113.67000, 194.16000); measured-corrected: (113.45554, 194.22715); target: (114.00000, 194.00000), error: 0.22
point #3measured: (11.63000, 96.39000); measured-corrected: (11.21090, 96.37318); target: (12.00000, 96.00000), error: 0.42
Iteration: 2
correction angles: 0.08568, 0.15377
X vector, adjusted: 1.00000, -0.00150
Y vector, adjusted: 0.00268, 1.00000
center, adjusted: -1.00949, 0.36539
Difference after correction:
point #0measured: (113.35250, -1.48125); measured-corrected: (112.98481, -1.80508); target: (114.00000, -2.00000), error: 0.49
point #1measured: (213.36999, 96.08500); measured-corrected: (214.24754, 96.04384); target: (215.00000, 96.00000), error: 0.88
point #2measured: (113.72000, 194.08000); measured-corrected: (113.51084, 194.19485); target: (114.00000, 194.00000), error: 0.24
point #3measured: (11.70500, 96.38750); measured-corrected: (11.24812, 96.34741); target: (12.00000, 96.00000), error: 0.46
Iteration: 3
correction angles: 0.10327, 0.03780
X vector, adjusted: 1.00000, -0.00180
Y vector, adjusted: 0.00066, 1.00000
center, adjusted: -0.87172, 0.35260
Difference after correction:
point #0measured: (113.36333, -1.47500); measured-corrected: (113.12702, -1.85287); target: (114.00000, -2.00000), error: 0.45
point #1measured: (213.38333, 96.01834); measured-corrected: (214.19172, 95.96500); target: (215.00000, 96.00000), error: 0.81
point #2measured: (113.39000, 194.00167); measured-corrected: (113.25633, 194.14694); target: (114.00000, 194.00000), error: 0.20
point #3measured: (11.73000, 96.38333); measured-corrected: (11.19163, 96.33088); target: (12.00000, 96.00000), error: 0.54
Re: Mk2 won't calibrate anymore "Consult Manual"
I just found damage on the X axis belt. I will report back if replacing that fixes the issue.
Re: Mk2 won't calibrate anymore "Consult Manual"
Well, that was it. I had previously inspected both belts, but apparently missed a stretched section on the X belt. After replacing the belt, calibrated on the first try.
>>>M45 V2
Iteration: 1
correction angles: 0.09323, 0.10180
Very little skew detected. Orthogonalizing the axes.
X vector, adjusted: 1.00000, -0.00170
Y vector, adjusted: 0.00170, 1.00000
center, adjusted: -0.47729, 0.44137
Difference after correction:
point #0measured: (113.49500, -1.41250); measured-corrected: (113.51915, -1.75265); target: (114.00000, -2.00000), error: 0.34
point #1measured: (214.80000, 96.09500); measured-corrected: (214.68580, 96.07531); target: (215.00000, 96.00000), error: 0.12
point #2measured: (113.85000, 194.17999); measured-corrected: (113.85274, 194.24707); target: (114.00000, 194.00000), error: 0.07
point #3measured: (11.59000, 96.42501); measured-corrected: (11.68609, 96.42081); target: (12.00000, 96.00000), error: 0.10
correction angles: 0.08994, 0.08852
Very little skew detected. Orthogonalizing the axes.
X vector, adjusted: 1.00000, -0.00156
Y vector, adjusted: 0.00156, 1.00000
center, adjusted: -0.43139, 0.33947
Difference after correction:
point #0measured: (11.53250, -1.26188); measured-corrected: (11.56548, -1.67922); target: (12.00000, -2.00000), error: 0.42
point #1measured: (113.59500, -1.50125); measured-corrected: (113.56536, -1.83806); target: (114.00000, -2.00000), error: 0.34
point #2measured: (214.61999, -1.29500); measured-corrected: (214.56523, -1.99535); target: (215.00000, -2.00000), error: 0.70
point #3measured: (214.77000, 95.93875); measured-corrected: (214.71784, 96.00453); target: (215.00000, 96.00000), error: 0.08
point #4measured: (113.70250, 96.16750); measured-corrected: (113.71798, 96.16182); target: (114.00000, 96.00000), error: 0.02
point #5measured: (11.62500, 96.24875); measured-corrected: (11.71810, 96.32067); target: (12.00000, 96.00000), error: 0.12
point #6measured: (11.76500, 194.34873); measured-corrected: (11.87071, 194.32054); target: (12.00000, 194.00000), error: 0.11
point #7measured: (113.86000, 194.08499); measured-corrected: (113.87059, 194.16169); target: (114.00000, 194.00000), error: 0.08
point #8measured: (215.01000, 193.98873); measured-corrected: (214.87046, 194.00440); target: (215.00000, 194.00000), error: 0.14