Improving print quality on corners
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Improving print quality on corners  

Eminent Member
Improving print quality on corners

Below is a picture of a print I am doing and when it turns the corner it seems to overshoot the turn and then come back to the line. I also notice this in another area where it makes a turn and then the printhead seems to resonate for a few mm before getting back on a straight line. The way I am holding the print is the same way it sits on the printbed with the straight side perpendicular to the x axis. Any tips would be appreciated.

Napsal : 15/08/2016 3:13 am
New Member
Re: Improving print quality on corners

Have you tried printing at a slower speed?

Napsal : 15/08/2016 8:33 am
Reputable Member
Re: Improving print quality on corners

Yes if running at 100% try taking it down to 80% using the knob while running. I find 75%-85% is the butter zone for great prints. However even at 100% they are still good results.

Another option is to take your flow down to around 95% - 97%

Napsal : 15/08/2016 8:40 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Improving print quality on corners

Have you tried printing at a slower speed?

I hadn't, I was using the stock speed from the simplify 3D settings

Napsal : 15/08/2016 12:31 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Improving print quality on corners

S3D by default doesn't handle acceleration control at all. I recommend using the settings dealing with acceleration. For example, you can use something like
{REPLACE "; outer perimeter\n" "; outer perimeter\nM204 S800\n"}
{REPLACE "; inner perimeter\n" "; inner perimeter\nM204 S800\n"}
{REPLACE "; solid layer\n" "; solid layer\nM204 S1000\n"}
{REPLACE "; infill\n" "; infill\nM204 S2000\n"}

in Additional terminal commands for postprocessing.

Napsal : 15/08/2016 12:51 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Improving print quality on corners

Do you know where I can find the stock acceleration settings?

Napsal : 15/08/2016 2:23 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Improving print quality on corners

I'm not quite sure about what do you mean by "stock acceleration settings". S3D hasn't got any setting specially for acceleration. You will have to either specify acceleration in the starting gcode (generally for whole print) or set it more special in postprocessing.
The adjustment I've recommended is based on values provided in PR's default profiles for Slic3r and works well for me. I should say I also use the same speeds as defined in Slic3r profiles. In fact I use Slic3r most of the time, S3D only for prints where I need some special features.

Napsal : 15/08/2016 3:21 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Improving print quality on corners

For other slicers, you could try inserting the following line into the start GCode:

M201 X1000 Y1000 E600 ; set default acceleration

This is as suggested by Josef, but I have pushed all values by 50% on a Mk1 without issue (when printing @ 180mm/sec with some testing I did a while back).


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Napsal : 15/08/2016 4:04 pm