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filament stop in few seconds  

Eliseu Castro
New Member
filament stop in few seconds

hello, my name is Ely from Brazil, sorry about my english, and i'm almost to desist from my new prusa

I finish to assembly my kit and i have no success, i dont print nothing yet, for the 3º time the filament stop, the first time he load filament for few seconds and stop

i open to see, found the suppoust problem, i buy new tube ptfe and replace, and again, stop! put new one and when i go to print the calibration, the filament stop again in few seconds!

what i doing wrong? the simple "load filament" dont work, the motor make noise and the tube ptfe is obstructed again

the nozzle is 215º when i do this operation, i make the preheat always

now, i go to open again and change again the tube ptfe....

if you see on the picture, make a ball middle of the tube

i think my product come with problems... 😥

Napsal : 31/10/2017 7:00 am
rocket kittens
Active Member
Re: filament stop in few seconds

Please clarify, which kit did you assemble?

That looks so very impressively wrong. Your PTFE tube is not used correctly. It needs to be used like this:

Review E3D v6 Assembly instructions :geek:

Napsal : 03/11/2017 7:46 am