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ABS Adhesion  

Active Member
ABS Adhesion

I am hoping someone can help me out a bit here.

I have been printing PLA non stop for over a week now, i have amazing adhesion and everything is working perfectly.

I now tried to print ABS.
Head Temp: 255
Bed Temp: 100

Calibration is the same as for PLA. It won't stick. Like at all. I had some 70% Isopropyl, which i used to clean it. I do see on the forums 70% isn't good enough, i am going to try to get some 90+ tonight and see if it helps. However i am also looking for suggestions. Is there something different for printing ABS on the new MK42 heat bead?

Veröffentlicht : 08/07/2016 2:12 pm
Honorable Member
Re: ABS Adhesion

I use over 90% Isopropyl alcohol for cleaning the bed. The thing with ABS, is that it requires an oven like environment. Small drafts and variation in environment will lead to warping and lift off the bed. A controlled environment is required for an ABS print, especially if they are on the large size. You may get away with small surface area prints. I have abandoned ABS printing in favour of other materials like NGEN.

For ABS try Prusa ABS juice on the bed, it may help even on the PEI bed. Printbite I find is a more robust printing material. It works well on my Ultimaker 2+ and Hobbyking Fabrikator Large. Not suitable for the Prusa Mk2 as it would affect the inductive PINDA bed sensor. I guess.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Veröffentlicht : 09/07/2016 3:49 am
Eminent Member
Re: ABS Adhesion

I do 105c first layer and 110c from layer two. No fan. Wipe the bed with isoprop (im using >99.5%), abs sticks very well!

Veröffentlicht : 09/07/2016 8:19 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: ABS Adhesion

Getting the 99% isopropyl helped. Also had to adjust hieght by -.03 to get it to stick. First layer at 110.

Got that all working. Sadly i got a major nozzle jam after switching back to PLA. trying to clean that up now. If its not one thing its another.

Veröffentlicht : 10/07/2016 4:29 pm
Mitglied Moderator
Re: ABS Adhesion

Hi Ryan,

I have no specific adhesion issue printing with ABS, I mostly use 110°C for first layer then 105°C for other layers. For large prints I add sometimes a brim.

But the most tricky parts are when using design where parts separate on some layers and join back higher, like the Voroni Klein bottle.

Changing filament from ABS to lower temperature filament always stress me a bit. I usually put the extruder at 240 °C before unloading the ABS, then load the new filament as fast as possible, then I force a new load filament while pushing a bit the filament to be sure most of the ABS is purged from the extruder. Then I let the temperature down to the new filament (eq: 210 °C for PLA).

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Veröffentlicht : 10/07/2016 5:06 pm