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[Cerrado] Wipe Tower Warping  

New Member
Wipe Tower Warping

I love my MMU. However, I cannot get my wipe tower to stop warping. It starts off fine but after several layers it starts to warp and the rocking back and forth eventually loosens it from the platform. I have tried glue, hairspray, tape and nothing keep the wipe tower stuck to the platform. The print itself sticks no problem. Am I the only one with this issue? I've tried changing the width ... no help. At this point I cannot complete any prints.

Respondido : 04/10/2017 6:29 pm
Noble Member
Re: Wipe Tower Warping

Mine seems to stick just fine.

Have you moved it to another part of the bed?

Does this happen on the pre-sliced files too?

Do you have frequent color changes, or lots of the infill?

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Respondido : 05/10/2017 2:42 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Wipe Tower Warping

Scrub the bed with a paper towel and acetone (not nail varnish remover which contains oils) and lower your "Live-Z" by 20 microns. Maybe you need the "Hyper-fine Bed Levelling".


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 05/10/2017 9:42 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Wipe Tower Warping

Mine seems to stick just fine.

Have you moved it to another part of the bed?

Does this happen on the pre-sliced files too?

Do you have frequent color changes, or lots of the infill?

I know it is really weird that this is just happening to the wipe tower. I can print a flat disk and not see a bit of warping but the tower will always warp. I have moved it, resized it but it still warps. This is on the sample files like Marvin, gear bearing, chimera and any of my prints. Four color, two color, or single color does not matter. Just the wipe tower warps. Like it is laying down a lot of PLA. Infill I set on my prints was 20%.

Respondido : 05/10/2017 12:47 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Wipe Tower Warping

Scrub the bed with a paper towel and acetone (not nail varnish remover which contains oils) and lower your "Live-Z" by 20 microns. Maybe you need the "Hyper-fine Bed Levelling".


Have not tried acetone just IPA. How about ABS juice, or that won't work with PLA. I had no problems printing before the MMU, but was not using smart wipe tower obviously. I have set my Z adjust to the point that the layer is squished totally flat. Making it almost impossible to remove.

Respondido : 05/10/2017 12:57 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Wipe Tower Warping

Have not tried acetone just IPA. How about ABS juice, or that won't work with PLA. I had no problems printing before the MMU, but was not using smart wipe tower obviously. I have set my Z adjust to the point that the layer is squished totally flat. Making it almost impossible to remove.

Acetone will effectively refresh the bed's stiction. Before I took delivery of acetone, I used ABS Juice quite successfully, but it does leave and ABS residue which will require cleaning off at some point...


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 05/10/2017 1:13 pm
New Member
Re: Wipe Tower Warping


I have the same problem! The wipe tower has massive warping and after some layers it jumps from the bed. All other objects are sticking perfect. It seems as if the z-caibration doesnt work properly for the wipe tower. Maybe it's a bug?!?
Do you have any solution for this problem?


Respondido : 09/10/2018 10:27 pm
New Member
Re: Wipe Tower Warping


I've edited the gcode manualy, so that it prints the first layer of the wipe tower's brim with half the speed. Now, it works fine!

Befor editing:
G1 X233.000 Y143.480 E1.0535 F2400
G1 X230.500 Y143.980 F7000
G1 Y124.500 E0.8144 F2100
G1 X169.500 E2.5502
G1 Y143.980 E0.8144
G1 X230.500 E2.5502
G1 X231.000 Y144.480 F7000
G1 Y124.000 E0.8562 F2100
G1 X169.000 E2.5920
G1 Y144.480 E0.8562
G1 X231.000 E2.5920
G1 X231.500 Y144.980 F7000
G1 Y123.500 E0.8980 F2100
G1 X168.500 E2.6338
G1 Y144.980 E0.8980
G1 X231.500 E2.6338
G1 X232.000 Y145.480 F7000
G1 Y123.000 E0.9398 F2100
G1 X168.000 E2.6756
G1 Y145.480 E0.9398
G1 X232.000 E2.6756
G1 X230.000 Y143.480 F7000
G1 X170.000
G1 X230.000

After editing:
G1 X233.000 Y143.480 E1.0535 F1200
G1 X230.500 Y143.980 F7000
G1 Y124.500 E0.8144 F1050
G1 X169.500 E2.5502
G1 Y143.980 E0.8144
G1 X230.500 E2.5502
G1 X231.000 Y144.480 F7000
G1 Y124.000 E0.8562 F1050
G1 X169.000 E2.5920
G1 Y144.480 E0.8562
G1 X231.000 E2.5920
G1 X231.500 Y144.980 F7000
G1 Y123.500 E0.8980 F1050
G1 X168.500 E2.6338
G1 Y144.980 E0.8980
G1 X231.500 E2.6338
G1 X232.000 Y145.480 F7000
G1 Y123.000 E0.9398 F1050
G1 X168.000 E2.6756
G1 Y145.480 E0.9398
G1 X232.000 E2.6756
G1 X230.000 Y143.480 F7000
G1 X170.000
G1 X230.000

Respondido : 13/10/2018 12:03 pm