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stringing after MM upgrade  

Trusted Member
stringing after MM upgrade

Hi all,

I got my MK2S kit early this week and enjoyed building it. The print quality is as good as the Ultimaker 2 that I have at work (I'm a Mech Eng) and I was really impressed with the dragon off the SD card.

I was going to wait a month or so, but I decided to fit the Multi Material Upgrade the next day. 🙂 Now, running the same filament, with the same temperatures and the same file off the SD card, the dragon looks all stringy...

  • * I've tried altering the temperatures slightly, but it doesn't eliminate the problem.
    * I don't think its the Bowden tubes since the UM2 has them a doesn't have this problem
    * It is a different hot end, so it could be linked to that. Temperature reading different?
    * I am using the same file off the SD card. Are there settings in the gcode that are adjusted depending on printer, e.g., retraction distance?
  • Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



    Opublikowany : 23/06/2017 8:49 am