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[Closed] Go back to single extruder?  

Active Member
Go back to single extruder?

Hey, I have the mulita material upgrade installed, and even used it on a few prints. But I'm constantly getting jams and beyond that, I found to make your own multi-print design requires a 6 year degree in design engineering. So I'm printing single extruder projects with the multi-material printer, but getting so many jams I can't print anything. I've spent most of my time during the holidays trying to fix it, and have just given up.

Is there a procedure to reverse back to a single extruder? Thanks!

Napsal : 31/12/2017 6:35 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Go back to single extruder?

you could upgrade to mk2.5
and move forward, or

dissassemble the multimedia kit and rebuild the mk2 single extruder, if you can find the parts

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 31/12/2017 6:47 pm
Active Member
Re: Go back to single extruder?

I am in the same boat. I re-designed the splitter and got it working 90% better thank the original but it is still very unreliable. I need reliability in prototyping. I will be going to the single extruder and just doin the upgrade. With the extra motors I will just design a larger build.

Napsal : 01/01/2018 12:24 am
Trusted Member
Re: Go back to single extruder?

Don't buy another kit!

I am currently printing a redesign of the multiplexer but I have already finished a downgrade model for a monoplexer that does exactly what you want.

It is much simpler to remove the single screw that holds in the multiplexer and remove a couple PTFE tubes than to upgrade/downgrade a whole kit!

The extruders on the MMU are better quality than the originals and my printer actually works better with the monoplexer I designed than it did with the original mk2s kit (that bearing based extruder sucked).

Here is the link for the monoplexer I designed, I think it takes 3-5 hours to print, so worse case scenario is that you have to baby sit it once while it prints out of your printer with the jam issues. All the instructions should be on the site.

Let me know if you have more problems!

Napsal : 01/01/2018 1:26 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Go back to single extruder?

Thanks, I'll try print the mono feed and see if I can get it to work. If not, I have all the old parts and will downgrade back to the original MK2

Napsal : 02/01/2018 4:54 am
Trusted Member
Re: Go back to single extruder?

I recommend using a spare piece of filament that has extruder marks on it as a test filament to remove any imperfections of the feed path after you print it. I did finish the multiplexer redesign too, and so far it is working fine.

If you feel you'd like to try your hand at multi material again, here is the link.

Napsal : 02/01/2018 7:37 am
Re: Go back to single extruder?

This weekend, I had enough with all the problems after upgrading to the MM and went back to the single colour printing. It was quite easy: remove the extruder motors and disassemble one of them. Remove the additional board and cables. Then, use the description in the manual to rebuild the former extruder head. Plug back in the cables and you are done. Since then, I have been printing for hours and hours without any problems.

I have kept most of the MM upgrade assembled: I will wait for a solution / free upgrade by Prusa to fix the problems various people have with the MM upgrade (which might never come, but we will see). However, I really prefer reliable one colour printing over multi-material troubleshooting.

Napsal : 22/01/2018 3:31 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Go back to single extruder?


I also have many problems but am trying to solve them (some are unsolvable, like emergency stop that didn't retract filament and if you forget, jamming is sure). I hesitated a lot before mounting it and was about to blame myself for doing it but also managed to better understand my printer and how to use my different tools and for the moment, I must say I have as good printing models as with previous printer, without the MMU (I own a mk2s, waiting for my mk3 upgrade, with MM upgrade kit mk2 to mk3). Prints are even better but this is due to better calibration (extruder now perfectly calibrated, this post is awesome). I now have to figure how to mod it to use my BLtouch with it and / or use Marlin firmware but this is not a priority.

To be honnest, I must say I only print in single filament for now but plan to use it to print complex models with HIPS or PVA as support, I must give it a try. I use Simplify3D which doesn't create wipe tower, this is my main issue so far...and some jams as well but not that many now that I print in single material.

Napsal : 22/01/2018 6:19 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Go back to single extruder?

I have done just that....

I removed my MMU over the weekend, downgraded the firmware to 3.0.12 and now I have a printer that works, thats prints again constantly even using Octoprint.

The best downgrade I have done to date.

Napsal : 23/01/2018 5:36 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Go back to single extruder?

So I bought the Prusa i3 MK3 and have left the MK2 with the multi upgrade till now. I removed the upgrade and put it back together, but now I fail my fan test for LEFT HOTEND FAN wiring error. I swapped fans and both fans work. Guess I need a new board? Not a fuse issue?

Napsal : 02/01/2019 1:16 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Go back to single extruder?

Today I loaded the correct HEX file for Prusa i3 MK2S and the fans work when manually turned on in settings/temperature. But the extrude fan (large one) does not turn on during prints! I may try an earlier version HEX file.

Napsal : 03/01/2019 2:25 am