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Warped Bed?  

New Member
Warped Bed?

I've been trying to print this for a while now but specific parts of this print will peel off after an hour or so into the print, most commonly things on the left of the bed. I can tell that the left side of the bed is not level to the print head compared to the right but Ive already made a 50+ adjustment to bed level correction for the left side. Any ideas why this is happening or way to remedy the situation, I've used glue which helped a little but Im thinking i might have to try masking tape.

Napsal : 04/08/2018 9:13 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Warped Bed?

Hi Andrew,
Have you re checked the assembly of the base of the printer, and ensured that the Y smooth rails are bedded down correctly

Have you checked that your X axis is level?

hold the control knob down for 3 seconds, and you should get the Z axis movement option...

run the Z axis up to the top, so that the X axis end pieces rattle against the top of the Z axis...
this should re level the X axis rails. if the X axis does not rattle against the top of the Z axis, power off and on again, then try again (if your Z axis was very low when you started the X axis may get to 210mm before it hits the stops)

re try your first layer calibration

Make sure your PEI is impeccably clean, try a little very dilute Dish washing detergent on a paper towel an scrub the COLD buildplate,
wipe off with a couple of damp paper towels and then finish off with IPA.... anddo not touch the build plate with your fingers afterwards.
re try first layer calibration

if still difficult, see if negative bed level correction on the other side will help sort live Z...

if no good, there are three threads on here
one suggesting using printed TPU washers to mechanically level the bed,
another suggesting using spring washers to level the bed and the third suggesting using 'Flat Springs' to mechanically level the bed

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 08/08/2018 1:14 am