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Prusa ABS Adhesion Problem - No Stick  

Eminent Member
Prusa ABS Adhesion Problem - No Stick


Printer: Original i3 MK2
Filament: Prusa ABS-T

I have tried everything: 99% iso alc, acetone, vim, green pad, soap and water, calibrated several times and home made ABS juice (30cm 1.75 ABS strip in 100ml of Acetone) and nothing!! No stick 😡 👿 😥

I have played with live Z up to about -1.5 and honestly afraid to go any further.

PLA prints great and sticks fine with a live Z between -0.375 to -0.400. I'm using original Prusa ABS with Slicr Prusa ABS settings.

Something I noticed right now: The package says 230-250 temperature but the Prusa ABS settings are 255. I do hear some bubbling sound like plastic boiling because it's too hot and the first blob before the print is very bubbly but once the skirt starts to print it seems smooth. I am not sure if the higher temp could be affecting the adhesion.

Nothing seems to work and can't find any other ideas in the forums.


Opublikowany : 19/06/2018 1:27 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Prusa ABS Adhesion Problem - No Stick (SOLVED)

There were 2 problems:

1) Dirty Nozzle: Make sure you raise the print head and manually extrude some material (a few centimetres) to make sure you have an even flow that goes straight down. If not, pre-heat printer to filament temp then take a lint free rag (I used a cotton towel) soaked in acetone and wipe the print head and all surroundings. Be careful not to burn yourself. Repeat until you get a smooth and straight line of molten plastic.

2) Dirty print bed: I went and bought the toughest grease dish detergent I could find (something with lemon/citrus grease cutting power). Try it on your hands and make sure you hands are left squeaky clean. Clean the PEI using water, dish soap and a green brillo pad. Wipe and rinse with a soft sponge. Make sure all sponges are new and use them only for your printer. Use a clean and grease free glass container to hold some water and rinse the soft sponge several times. The print bed should be dull now. Finish with > 90% isopropil alcohol and a microfiber rag that you only use for your printer.

3) Too much Live Z is a sign of trouble. The Prusa ABS and Prusa PLA should not be too far appart. In my case PLA is -0.375 and ABS wound up being around -0.550 (I am still fine tuning).

4) If still no stick recalibrate X,Y,Y and adjust your first layer with PLA and repeat. It will work eventually.

Opublikowany : 21/06/2018 12:39 am