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Cooling on one side  

Active Member
Cooling on one side

I am trying to print this model from thingiverse: and I have experienced an issue. On the back side of the print the bottom portion looks like it is fused together and did not cool properly. That side was closest to the PSU and Rambo board. On the rest of the print there are vertical "pockmarks". I am printing on the Mk2s and would appreciate any help and advice.

Thank you

Publié : 23/02/2019 4:31 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Cooling on one side

I have an upgraded vent for the cooling fan which improved issues like these. It blows from front and both sides. I drew it myself but there are a few on thingiverse that work quite well. You need to print out of something temperature resistant though. Mine is done out of PC.

I've also got a velocity stack added to both the fans. These improve the efficiency of the fan.

Things to try without modding your machine like mine is to up your fan speed in filament settings if using Slic3r and try lowering your temperature and see if it improves.

Publié : 23/02/2019 6:20 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Cooling on one side

Will try, does anyone know about the pockmarked bits? I have seen it on my temp tower pieces in prusa pla but not on my matterhackers MH pla

Publié : 24/02/2019 3:15 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Cooling on one side

Marks are from the seam.

I normally set my seam position to the rear and position model on build plate accordingly or aligned and design features into my models for the software to place the seam there.

Publié : 25/02/2019 1:37 pm
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